Stage Spotlights Rails Generator
I made this Geometry Nodes tools to increase my workflow when I build stage with many spotlights. I share it with you and I hope it will be useful in your projects.
You can design your spotlight rails structure saving time. This tool use instances to save memory consumption and rendering time.All spotlight can be tilted or rotated in the same way or randomized to acheive realistic result.
You can simply grab or extrude points in edit mode to achieve your shapes. You can change color, angle and intensity of lights.
See the video below to learn how you can use it. COMPATIBILITY
This tool is compatible with CYCLES and EVEE and uses instance of real lights. Standard spotlights for EVEE and IES light for CYCLES. And you can use your own custom lightsource.You can use a volumetric enviroment too.
Thank you if you support me in the develop of other geometry nodes tool.
Version 1.1
In the updated version some bug are fixed. Now you can extrude olso segment to obtain square o rectangle path without having orientation issues.
All controls are in angle and not in radians.
Randomize now work better and clamp values to preventi intersections.
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Generator spotlight stage beam procedural spot rails geometry nodes