Spock: Structured Scifi Packer

by Chipp Walters in Addons

Welcome to a whole new way of Sci-Fi modeling!


SPOCK is a structured greeble packing and generation tool. It uses advanced algorithms to efficiently and eloquently pack different objects from distinct collections onto a face or selected faces. It is our top of the line tool for quickly generating amazing hyperdetailed props and scene elements. It is simple to use and very powerful– and all at the same time. Incredible detail can be created with the click of a button as shown in this example.

SPOCK uses 10 different algorithms to pack objects next to each other– without overlapping while also totally contained within a designated perimeter.

Originally we tried to do this using geometry nodes, but then realized it just wasn't possible. So, we worked up some python to make it all work fast and efficiently as an addon. SPOCK uses instances, so it's really, really fast. It also uses the same DPACKS that simple sci-fi FLEX uses. Remember, It's easy to create your own DPACKS as they are just collections of mesh objects.

SPOCK is very, very easy to use. You can quickly create custom greeble and nurnie effects in just a few minutes.

It's also really good for creating structured and organized control panels and sci-fi interiors. Unlike simple sci-fi FLEX, with SPOCK you have much more control over the final layout of your instances. You can quickly create a layered workflow that is super easy to modify at any point in the process.

SPOCK comes with a number of pretty cool utilities as well, including the ability to replace materials globally. We've also added in a DPACK with several collection sets that will help you get started. There are more on the way from us and others.

You can see some of the 3rd party DPACKS already created at: http://cw1.me/dpacks

And, SPOCK also comes with a set of materials that are useful, including a multi-material that allows you to create different materials for each instance it's applied to. It also has an edge wear version as well. These are stored in KPACKS that you can use with KIT OPS PRO or KIT OPS FREE.

And like its namesake, SPOCK is fairly intelligent. It remembers settings you used for different packs. Also it can do things like store thousands of instances in custom collections.

Here are a few of the features packed into SPOCK:

  • Choose from 10 different packing algorithms or let SPOCK choose for you
  • DPACK browser allows you to quickly load collection sets from your DPACK library.
  • Includes SCIFI DPACK with several collection sets
  • Includes multi-material and edge wear material along with utility for global swapping of materials
  • Refined layered workflow allows you to 
  • save existing packed instances into new collections
  • Load settings from previously saved collections
  • Turn on and off visibility of saved collections
  • Convert instances to meshes for saved collections
  • Checks for updates
  • You can define any folder for DPACKS in preferences.
  • Max number of instances can be set when packing so as to not crash Blender

And like all our products, SPOCK comes with very detailed documentation and full support on Discord.

Documentation: http://cw1.me/spock

Support: http://cw1.me/discord


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Sales 900+
7 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License GPL