Sort Objects By

by Martin Brockelmann in Addons

Hi, thank you, for using my Add-on.  


You can install the Add-on by going to ‘Edit’ – ‘Preferences’ – ‘Install’ and select the Python File from your disc. After installing, search for it in the list, activate it with the checkbox and save the preferences. This add-on is created for Blender versions higher than 2.8. 


You can find the Add-on in object mode as a panel in the n-menue of the 3D-View.

The total number of vertices from all considered objects is shown.

Status of the sort method and number of considered objects is shown. Here only the real number of vertices without the modifier effects are counted.

Only objects with a mesh included are considers.

  • Sort by name

Lists all considered objects sorted by name

  • Sort by verts number

Lists all considered objects sorted by the amount of vertices. Here only the real number of vertices without the modifier effects are counted.

  • Sort by subsurf level

Lists all considered objects sorted by (vieport) level of the subsurf modifier. Level of viewport and render is shown (viewport/render)

  • Sort by modifiers

Lists all considered objects sorted by by the amount of modifiers. For every considered object all modifiers are listed. With a checkbox you can filter to show only modifiers from category 'Physics'( ['CLOTH', 'COLLISION', 'DYNAMIC_PAINT', 'EXPLODE', 'FLUID', 'OCEAN', 'PARTICLE_INSTANCE', 'PARTICLE_SYSTEM', 'SOFT_BODY', 'SURFACE', 'SIMULATION'])

  • Sorts by materials

Lists all considered objects sorted by by the amount of materials. For every considered object all materials are listed. Empty material slots are not shown.

  • Sorts by textures

Lists all considered objects sorted by the amount of textures. For every considered object all textures are listed. Empty texture nodes are not shown. Considers only textures, that are on a assigned Material on the object.

Press one of the buttons to update the results.

Changes in Versions

  • V1: Base functions
  • V1.1: 
    • Show number of considered objects after 'sort method' Info
    • Sort by Material
    • Filter to show only modifiers with category 'Physics'
  • V1.2: 
    • Sort by texture
    • Filter to show only textures that are linked with a normal input
    • Modifiers are shown with 'modifier type' after 'modifier name' info



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Sales 20+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL