Snowfx - Snow Painter/Generator

On Sale! by AlbertoFX in Addons

Installation: Once you have downloaded the .zip folder. 

Go to your preferences in Blender & head over to the Add-ons Tab. There you will find the "Install..." button where you can locate the .zip file. Select the '' file & click 'Install Add-on'. Search for SnowFX & enable the add-on. The tool will be located in the SnowFX tab in your toolshelf.

InstallationWith this tool, adding snow to your object only takes 4 Steps: Add Snow > Paint >Apply > Edit

Adding Snow:When enabling the Drop Icon, you are dropping snow onto your object. Note: Enabling will restrict you from using the Snow Painter. 

When the Drop Icon is disabled, you can paint the snow instead of generating it auto-magically. 

When using the Snow Painter, you will jump into Painting Mode, when applying the snow, you can add more snow & it will combine them.

Snow Painter Controls:

  • LeftClick = Add Snow
  • RightClick = Melt Snow
  • Ctrl+Mousewheel Srolling = Brush Proximity Radius
  • Esc key = Exit Painting mode


Once you have applied the snow, you can make some changes, such as Snow Height & adding extra Layers on top. 

See Upcoming Features in Description to see what's coming!

  • Version 1.1

    $22.50 $30

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Sales 100+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 5 years ago
Software Version 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL