Skyscraper 9

3dskybuild in Models

Skyscraper 9

Update: You can download Blender 2.80 EEVEE version, too

Blender native, made with blender 2.79, cycles 2.79 render.

Three twin towers, only the structure, and windows There are 33 floors for offices or apartments and 3 large spaces on the ground floor, center of the tower and rooftop

As internal accessories, you can only find the stairs between the different floors, and 2 internal elevators

Objects are divided into layers. Verts: 220.000 - Faces: 180.000 - Object: 55 Available formats:

Blender EEVEE version on request



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Sales 20+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 2.79, 2.8
License Royalty Free