Sj-Indoor Plant Set 001

by sahrajavid in Models

High-quality 3d models Plants collection 01 A unique collection of plants can be used for exterior and interior

*polygon: 1.484482 vertex: 758.332 *

_You can activate the turbo pots to soften and enjoy _

**2k textures * *
The pbr material of the pot has both corona and blender textures

**Where to use: *

  • in exterior and interior design , bedroom , living room

*Features: *

All colors can be easily modified. No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene. No cleaning up is necessary, just drop the model into your scene and start rendering. No special plugin is needed to open the scene Pivot in the logical place of the object; Model has a logical name. The scene consists of different Items. The basic format of blender but also includes OBJ, FBX, and Max Format Materials included

**File formats: * *

3ds Max 2018 OBJ (Multi Format) FBX Every model has been checked with the appropriate software. *Material: * All models use 2k textures Files: 3dsmax \ fbx \ obj

_*If you liked this package, please leave a review! Creativity to you! * _

my email is my Instagram id is sahra.javid.74


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Published 6 months ago
Software Version 4.2
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free
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