Simply Cloth

by VjaceslavT in Addons

What Blender versions are compatible with Simply Cloth Studio?
Simply Cloth Studio is compatible with Blender versions 4.1 and above. The addon works best with the latest stable release of Blender. Make sure you are using a compatible version for optimal performance.
How do I improve simulation performance?
If you experience slow performance during cloth simulations, here are some tips to improve it: Lower viewport resolution: Adjust the viewport resolution slider to a lower value in the simulation settings to reduce the load on your system. Use Optim Cloth: Utilize the Optim Cloth feature to simulate on a low-resolution mesh while maintaining high detail on the cloth object. Disable unnecessary modifiers: Temporarily disable modifiers like Subdivision and Solidify until the final render.
How can I prevent cloth clipping through my character/object?
-Ensure that you have Self Collision enabled in the simulation settings. -Increase the Collision Quality and adjust the Inner/Outer Thickness settings to fine-tune collision detection. -Use the Check Face Orientation tool to ensure all cloth faces are oriented correctly, with blue facing outward.
Why are my sewing lines not working properly?
If sewing lines are not behaving as expected, it may be due to the following reasons: -Mismatch in vertex count: Ensure that both edges you are sewing together have the same number of vertices. -Sewing line misalignment: Use the Sewing Help feature to display how many vertices are selected and required for successful sewing. -If the Auto Select tool doesn't work properly, manually adjust your sewing edges using the standard sewing tool.
What is the purpose of the Unitard Sew feature?
The Unitard Sew feature automatically sews all selected cloth edges into a single, closed garment. It's ideal for fast concepting or just simplifying the sewing process.
How do I add and remove pins in the pinning system?
To add a pin, enter Pin System Mode, select an area of the mesh, and click Pin Selection as Layer to create a new pin layer. To remove a pin, simply select the pin layer and click the Delete Pin icon in the pinning options.
Why is my cloth not simulating after conversion?
Ensure that the cloth object is active in the simulation panel. Also, check if the cloth has proper settings like weight, stiffness, and shrink, and that the simulation is not paused. Also make sure that Sewing is activated
Can I use Simply Cloth Studio for non-garment projects?
Yes, Simply Cloth Studio can be used for a variety of cloth simulations beyond garments, including curtains, flags, upholstery, blankets, and more. Its versatile tools, such as Shrink, Inflate, and Sewing, can be adapted for different projects.
Is there a free version of Simply Cloth Studio?
Simply Cloth Studio does not have a free version, but there is a lite version available for users who want to try out basic cloth functionality before committing to the full versions. This Lite version is limited in features but provides a taste of the core cloth simulation capabilities.
Can I use Simply Cloth Studio for commercial projects?
Yes, both the Standard and Pro versions can be used for commercial projects. However, the Full Commercial License offers additional flexibility for studios by allowing up to five seats per industry sector, making it ideal for team-based workflows.
Can I bake my cloth simulation for animation?
Yes, you can bake your cloth simulation for smoother playback and animation. You have two options: -Bake Cache: Bakes the entire cloth simulation into cache memory for real-time playback. -Bake to Keyframe: Converts the simulation into keyframes for manual adjustment during the animation timeline.
How do I add thickness to my cloth object?
To add thickness to your cloth object: Use the SimplySolidify modifier in the modifier stack after you convert your object into a cloth simulation. You can control the thickness under the Thickness setting in the collision or design options.
What is the difference between the object mode and edit mode in Simply Cloth Studio?
In Object Mode, you can set up simulations, collisions, and pinning, and run general cloth interactions with the entire object. In Edit Mode, you gain more granular control over specific parts of the mesh for sewing, pinning, strengthening, and designing details like cut and sew patterns.
  • Simply Cloth Lite - Basic Functionality

  • Simply Cloth Studio- Full Functionality

  • Simply Cloth Studio Addon + Cut & Sewing Pattern Asset Library

  • Full commercial use for max. 3 seats in each industry sector. Simply Cloth Studio & Cut & Sew Pattern Library


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Sales 14600+
123 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 4.2
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL