Simple Batch Renderer
A simple yet powerful collection-based batch renderer. Perfect for product designers, 3D artists, and architects needing to render multiple variations of their work.
Core Features:
- Render multiple collections or object hierarchies from different camera angles
- Create unlimited batch setups with custom resolutions and worlds
- Smart automatic naming system with date prefixes (can be disabled in settings) and subfolders
- Non-destructive workflow preserving scene settings
How it works:
1. Pick a render collection containing your objects/collections
2. Select a camera collection with your camera angles
3. Configure batch settings (resolution, world, naming)
4. Hit render - the addon handles everything else
Objects in your render collection are rendered from each camera angle, with proper visibility management and state restoration. Perfect for product shots, material variations, or architectural presentations needing multiple angles and configurations.
The User Interface:
- Add a new Batch Setup
- open/close the batch setup settings
- Name of the batch setup
- (de)activate the batch setup. If deactivated it won't be rendered, when "render batch setups" button is used
- render only this batch setup
- delete this batch setup
- if unchecked this batch setup will render the scene from the cameras in the camera collection using the resolution and world set in the batch setup
- if checked each collection & object hierarchy in the render collection will stay visible during rendering of other batch setups
- select the collection that has the collections & object hierarchies in it that you want to be rendered individually
- select the collection with your different cameras in it (only collections with a camera inside can be selected here)
- change the world that you want to use for this batch setup
- X Resolution of the output image
- Y Resolution of the output image
- If not empty a separate folder for images of this batch setup will be created. Leave empty if you want the images to be rendered to the output destination.
- if checked the file name will be overwritten with the name of the batch setup
- delete all batch setups
- render all batch setups that are marked as active (see 4.)
Two Batch Setups were created to capture the objects from two different camera sets in two different resolutions (square & landscape). The collection Render 1 has one collection (Icos), one simple object (Suzanne) and an object hierarchy (Torus.001 & children) in it and these three will be treated as individual render targets. You can also just have collections, or just objects.
Render Results from two Batch Setups using different camera sets and resolutions. Subfolders were created according to the entered names:
FYI: only blender 4.2 at the moment but blender 4.3 support will be available in the next days
Feedback, suggestions and ideas are very welcome! just drop me an email: or write here on Blendermarket :)
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collections batch-render-collection Batch rendering batch render batch collection