Simit And Tea

by ibotpl in Models

Detailed clean topology. Modeled in real world scale. Properly UV unwrapped. 100% PBR compatible. 4K Textures in lossless PNG format. Compatible for any 3D software / game engine. 3dsmax format ready to render in Vray. Included original blender scene file (partially PBR) ready to render with all scene, camera, material, sculpt, light and particle settings changeable. The preview renders are made with this file.

Included file formats:

  1. .blend
  2. .blend (scene file)
  3. fbx
  4. obj
  5. gltf
  6. max
  7. c4d
Published almost 4 years ago
Blender Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9
License Creative Commons
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