Silent Assassin
UE5 Video:
3D model of the character Silent Assassin. Rigged and contains 12 animations. Custom skeleton and Ue5 Skeleton rig. The model has 5 skins, 11 UV sets. 4K textures (PBR, Metall/Rough, include AO, Height map, Mask map for HDRP). Blender file has textures and modular materials. Ready for render. Model has separeted meshes. Package has two Blender files with rig (custom from Maya) and without it, Textures pack, animations fbx pack, Base meshes, separeted meshes. Includes Unreal engine 5 Scene (UE4 and UE5 skeleton) and 8 BlendShapes.
Package contains:
1. Textures (5 skins) png, tiff, jpg files
2. Blender file1 -Base mesh
3. Blender file2 - Rig from 3dMaya
4. Animations - fbx
5. Base mesh fbx
6. Skeleton ue5, ue4 rigged
7. UE5 Scene standart animations
8. Separated meshes
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blender to unreal base meshes base mesh mid poly humanoid weapons low poly fantasy blendshapes 3d-male Male mmo-rpg 3d human assassin humans 3d character Rigged rpg 3d-game-ready 3D rigged Character 3d 3d-animated-character animations clothes Human character 3D Game-Ready Model Man game ready PBR ue4 blendshape animation ue5 3d man Skeleton assasin-hood male character armor 3d-model-game-ready mmo 3D Clothes weapon 3d-animated 3d model