Shaker Trees - Asset Pack Of Trees Compatible With Engon
1. Download and install engon addon -
2. Download all parts of Shaker trees available
3. Enable engon addon in Blender - User prefferences - Add-ons - Engon
4. Install asset pack Shaker trees
5. In Blender scene press N to see sidebar and open polygoniq tab
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Updating Assets pack in engon
Version 1.0.1 available - performance fix + faster loading of images + Shaker trees STARTER uploaded
Updatating assets will REMOVE the old version of Shaker trees Asset pack from the instalation directory. It will be REPLACED with the new version.
STARTER Shaker trees are in .paq format - you will download the .paq folder which is an Asset pack for free engon addon.
If you want to use all the advantages of Shaker trees we recommend you to do it with engon addon.
If you want to just extract files please rename the .paq suffix to .zip and extract folders into your library
or use 7-zip software.
STARTER Shaker trees contain these assets:
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