What to do if there are errors with the add-on?
Please contact me through product support on Blender Market, and I will help to resolve any issue!
Where Do I Find the Add-on?
Find it under the 'N' tab by pressing the 'N' key (This will open the tab on the right-hand side of the 3D viewport) > Under the label "ShakeMaker"
How do I install this add-on for Blender version 4.1 or previous?
If you are using Blender version 4.1 or previous:
Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install > Find File > Install Add-on > Activate it!
Example video with instructions by Jayanam:
How do I install this add-on for Blender version 4.2+?
Edit > Preferences > Get Extensions > Click the arrow in the far upper right > Select "Install from Disk..." in the dropdown > Find and select zip file > Install from Disk
(I recommend against using the drag and drop method at the moment because it causes errors)
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