Selection Sets Addon

by johnnygizmo in Addons

Selection Sets is an Addon for Blender that provides lightweight adhoc object grouping.


The internal Blender group function is a powerful tool,but there are times where you want to group items without cluttering up the "group space" of your Blend file.

Set Creation

Selection Sets allows for the creation of unlimited sets of objects that can be easily added and deleted as needed. Sets can be renamed as needed Sets can have objects added and removed with a simple click. Objects can exist in any number of groups

Set Actions

Sets of objects can: have their viewport visibility  toggled have their render time visibility toggled If your set needs to be used as a Blender group, it can be promoted with another simple click.


Version History

  Version 1.3 When an item was removed from a set, the top item was removed, not the selected item.

  Version 1.2 When selecting sets of 1 object, active object was not set. Now, first object in set becomes active object on select.

  Version 1.1 Groups created from sets inherit the set name

  Version 1.0 Initial Release


Future Plans

Once users get a chance to use selection sets, I am eager to get their feedback for enhancements to Selection Sets to make it as useful as possible!


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Sales 80+
5 ratings
Published over 10 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
License GPL
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Selection bconf16 Object groups