Sci-Fi Screens Pack 3

by Jeremy Johnson in Models

14 individual Sci Fi Component Screen Panels you can render seperately or as a single screen display. Animated components are parented to their respective outer rings, so by grabbing the outer ring/s you can move and animate each panel anywhere in the scene space and the components stay alligned and active. All active components are animated through scale, location and rotation Noise Modifiers, so they will run forever, without any extra key framing.

You can also change any and all components to any colour/s you like to suit your production colour scheme.

Ideal for Head Up Displays (HUD), floating augmented reality displays, door locking panels, gadget and device displays, box and drum units, monitors and basically anything that you want to put an animated screen on.


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Sales 20+
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.92
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free
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screens transparency alien hud animated display sci fi pack