Sakuga Toon Shader Cycles & Eevee
Sakuga Toon Shader opens up your 3D renders to new possibilities. Sakuga is the first shader collection in Blender that supports both Cycles GPU rendering and Eevee! All you need to do is drag the shader to your 3D model, adjust the lighting and costumize the shader to your liking. No UV mapping and fully procedural!
Each Shaders have two different varations of Lighting: Metallic & Point Light.
Metallic Lighting follows the camera when you rotate or move the object & camera, giving a glossy metallic look.
Point Light follows a designated object you've selected, giving the standard Toon Shader Lighting.
What You'll Get :
15 Different Shader Styles (each with two different variation of lighting mode (Metallic & Point Light), two different shader base (Emission & Toon BSDF based), and a deconstructed version for better costumization)
4 Rimlights
10 Outlines
6 Lineart for Shader Editor (only for Cycles)
12 Additional Lighting for the Shaders
3 Different Paint Textures
17 Flares
3 Shader Mask
A monkey demo scene
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Update v2.0 - 4 May 2023
Feature Added:
Shadow Catching
With the recent Blender 3.5 update, our shaders now integrate OSL scripts, delivering GPU rendering with Cycles and unlocking new creative possibilities for your projects.
Assets Added:
1. Lineart Shader for Shader Editor
2. Light Decay
3. Impact Shader
4. Paint Shader 1
5. Paint Shader 2
Update v1.1 - 17 April 2023
Assets Added:
1. Caustic Shader
2. Nebula Shader
3. Point Light Mask
4. Edge Mask
5. Flares
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