Runner Character And Animation Files
What's in this Asset?
The production files for the runner animation, camera tracked scene, animation, character blend and references used in the production of this animation.
Male character made in Blender
This is high quality male model with animation friendly topology. great for animations, films, etc.
What is included?
- Rigged Character .blend
- optional base mesh model used for this animation
- Camera Tracked Scene
Parkour Animation Action in said scene for the character blend (library override)
Rigged with Riggify for Blender 3.5
- Rigged with Rigify for Blender 3.5
- Manually Weight Painted
- Corrective Smoothing (Delta Mush)
- Multiresolution details for muscle definition
- Shapekey to turn on lips and nose detail to use as a base model

Note: detailed hand topology for realism and animation deforms, this example has no shape key applied
Polygon 48,265 polys (without subdiv)