Retopologized Garments Stitcher

by AhabDev in Addons

Retopologized Garments Stitcher Tutorial


The Retopologized Garments Stitcher is a powerful Blender addon designed to simplify the process of joining separate pieces of retopologized garments. This tutorial will guide you through using the addon, both manually and with the automated Full Edit feature.


Before you begin:

  1. Ensure your garment pieces are properly retopologized.
  2. Have your garment pieces positioned correctly in 3D space.
  3. Save your Blender file.

Choosing Proper Loops

The most critical step in using this addon is selecting the correct loops to join. Here are some tips:

  1. Loops should have a similar number of vertices (ideally the same).
  2. Loops should follow the natural edge of the garment piece.
  3. Ensure loops are continuous and don't have breaks.
  4. Loops should be oriented in the same direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).

Remember, the quality of your final result depends heavily on choosing the right loops to join.

Manual Step-by-Step Process

1. Register Loops
  1. Select the vertices of your first loop.
  2. Click 'Register Loop 1'.
  3. Select the vertices of your second loop.
  4. Click 'Register Loop 2'.
2. Verify and Adjust (Optional)
  1. Use 'Select Loop 1' and 'Select Loop 2' to visually verify your selections.
  2. If needed, use 'Loop Tools Space' on either loop to evenly distribute vertices.
3. Equalize Loops (If Necessary)

If loops have different vertex counts:

  1. Click 'Auto Equalize Loops'.
  2. Review the selected vertices (these are excess vertices).
  3. Click 'Dissolve and Prepare' to remove excess vertices and update loop info.
4. Join Loops

Click 'Join Loops' to stitch the loops together.

5. Clean Up
  1. Click 'Empty Loop Lists' to clear the stored loop data.
  2. Use 'Triangulate Mesh' if you need a triangulated result.
  3. Click 'Delete ALL Seams' to remove seam markings.
  4. Finally, click 'Restart Vertex IDs' to ensure consistent vertex identification.

Automated Process (Full Edit button)

  1. Select and register both loops as in steps 1-2 of the manual process.
  2. Click 'Full Edit'.
  3. The addon will automatically perform all necessary steps, including equalizing loops if needed, joining, triangulating, and cleaning up.

Additional Features and Tips

Reload Scene

The 'Reload Last Save of Scene' button is a safety net. If you make a mistake or are unhappy with the result:

  1. Click this button to revert to the last saved state.
  2. Always save your file before starting the stitching process.
Update Info

When working manually, use the 'Update Info' button after making any changes to the loops. This ensures the addon has the most current information about your loop selections.

Loop Tools Space

While optional, using 'Loop Tools Space' can improve the evenness of your loops before joining. This can lead to better results, especially when dealing with curves or complex shapes.

Auxiliary Operators
  • 'Empty Loop Lists': Use this to start fresh if you want to work on different loops.
  • 'Triangulate Mesh': Useful for creating a consistent topology or preparing for export to other software.
  • 'Delete ALL Seams': Cleans up the mesh after stitching.
  • 'Restart Vertex IDs': Important for maintaining consistent vertex identification, especially after significant mesh changes.


  • If loops don't join cleanly, undo and check your loop selections and their vertices count.
  • Ensure loops are oriented in the same direction.
  • If you encounter unexpected results, use 'Reload Last Save of Scene' and start over.
  • Always 'Restart Vertex IDs' after joining loops to prevent artifacts in future operations.

Current Limitations

While the Retopologized Garments Stitcher addon is a powerful tool for joining garment pieces, it's important to be aware of its current limitations:

Loop Tools Dependency:
  • The addon requires the Loop Tools addon to be activated in Blender for full functionality.
  • If Loop Tools is not active, certain features like 'Loop Tools Space' will not work, potentially affecting the quality of your results.
Vertex Count Discrepancy:
  • The addon is not recommended for use when there's an excessive difference in vertex count between the two loops.
  • For example, stitching the upper part of a pleated skirt (with fewer vertices) to the lower pleated part (with many more vertices) may produce unsatisfactory results.
Complex Morphing:
  • The addon may struggle with situations requiring complex morphing to stitch correctly.
  • For instance, joining a straight edge to a highly curved one might not produce optimal results.
Automatic Equalization Limits:
  • While the addon can automatically equalize loops with slight differences in vertex count, it may not handle extreme differences well.
  • Manual intervention might be necessary for best results in such cases.
Topology Dependence:
  • The quality of the stitching heavily depends on the topology of your retopologized garment pieces.
  • Inconsistent or poorly structured topology may lead to unexpected results.
UV Mapping Considerations:
  • The addon doesn't automatically handle UV mapping adjustments after stitching.
  • You may need to manually adjust UVs after using the addon, especially for textured garments.
Performance with High-Poly Models:
  • For very high-poly models, some operations might be slower, particularly the 'Full Edit' feature.
  • Consider working with optimized, lower-poly versions when possible.
Undo Limitations:
  • Some operations, particularly those that modify vertex IDs, may not be fully undoable within Blender's normal undo system.
  • Always save your work before starting the stitching process.

Understanding these limitations will help you use the addon more effectively and know when manual intervention or alternative techniques might be necessary. Always test the addon on a copy of your model first, especially when working with complex garments or high-stakes projects.


Whether you choose the manual or automated process, the Retopologized Garments Stitcher addon streamlines the task of joining garment pieces. With practice, you'll find it to be an invaluable tool in your 3D modeling workflow for clothing and accessories.

Remember, the key to success lies in careful loop selection and preparation. Take your time in the initial steps, and you'll achieve clean, professional results in your garment modeling projects.

Published about 1 month ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Extension Type Legacy Add-on
License GPL
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