Render Palette

by Jishnu Jithu in Addons

Main Panel

  • Render Image: Initiates a single frame rendering process.
  • Render Animation: Initiates the rendering of an animation.

Render Settings Panel

Default (Image Tab) Default (Animation Tab) Cycles Render Engine + DOF Enabled
Default (Image Tab) Default (Animation Tab) Cycles Engine

The Render Settings Panel allows you to configure various rendering parameters.

  • Render Type: Choose between single frame rendering and animation rendering settings.
  • Frame Start/End: Set the start and end frames for animation rendering.
  • FPS: Select the frames per second (FPS) for your animation.
  • Resolution: Choose from predefined resolution presets.
  • Render Engine: Select the rendering engine (e.g., Cycles, Eevee).
  • Device: Configure the rendering device (for Cycles).
  • Samples: Choose between preset sample settings or specify custom samples.
  • Custom Samples: If 'Custom' is selected, set a custom sample count.
  • Contrast: Adjust contrast settings.
  • View Transform: This option allows you to change the View Transform for rendering.
  • File Format: Choose the output file format.
  • Camera: Select the camera for rendering.
  • Output: Set the output filepath for rendered images.
  • Depth of Field: Toggle Depth of Field (DOF) for the active camera.
  • Autosave: This feature automates the saving of rendered images.
  • Motion Blur: Enable or disable motion blur for rendering.
  • Focus Object: Configure the object the camera focuses on when Depth of Field is enabled.
  • Focus Distance: Set the distance from the camera to the focus point.
  • F-Stop: Adjust the aperture F-stop (if DOF is enabled).

Environment settings panel

Environment panel - World Settings Environment panel - HDRI Settings
Environment panel1 Environment panel2

The Environment Settings Panel provides options for managing the environment and textures.

  • EXR Files: Displays a dropdown to select EXR files for environment textures.
  • Next exr: Cycles through all the EXR files in the scene.
  • Import World Texture: Imports a world texture.
  • Import from Folder: Imports all textures from a selected folder.

Texture Settings (Subpanel)

Description: The Texture Settings Panel allows you to configure settings for environment textures.

World settings:

  • Color: Change the world color.
  • Strength: Adjusts the strength of the environment texture.

HDRI settings:

  • Strength: Adjusts the strength of the environment texture.
  • Location: Sets the location of the environment texture.
  • Rotation: Specifies the rotation of the environment texture.
  • Scale: Adjusts the scale of the environment texture.
  • Remove EXR: Remove the applied HDRI texture from the scene.

Camera controls Panel

Description: The Camera Controls Panel allows you to manage camera settings and properties.

  • Orientation: Select the camera orientation from the dropdown menu(Square/Portrait/Landscape).
  • Camera to View: Align the active camera to the current view.
  • New Camera to View: Create a new camera aligned to the current view.

Camera properties (Subpanel)

Description: The Lens Properties Panel provides options for adjusting camera lens settings.

  • Type: Set the camera lens type.
  • Focal Length: Adjust the camera's focal length.
  • Shift X: Shift the camera's view horizontally.
  • Shift Y: Shift the camera's view vertically.

Tracking constraints (Subpanel)

Description: The Tracking Constraints Panel allows you to add and configure tracking constraints to cameras.

  • Add Track To Constraint: Add a Track To Constraint to the selected camera.
  • Target: Specify the target object for the Track To Constraint.
  • Influence: Adjust the influence of the Track To Constraint.
  • Apply: Apply the constraint to the camera.
  • Remove: Remove the constraint from the camera.

Batch render Panel

Batch Render - All Camera Batch Render - Custom Camera
Batch Render - All Camera Batch Render - Custom Camera

The Batch Render Panel streamlines your rendering process, especially when working with multiple cameras or animation sequences. This panel provides essential options to efficiently manage rendering tasks.

  • Save To: You can choose to save renders in the default output folder or in separate folders for each camera.
  • Camera: Select the camera(s) you want to use for rendering. Render your scene with all cameras in the scene or specify a custom list of cameras for more control.
  • Overwrite: Control whether the rendering process overwrites existing files.

Preset panel

Description: The Render Preset Panel provides options for managing rendering presets.

  • Preset List: Displays a list of rendering presets.
  • Add: Adds a new rendering preset.
  • Remove: Deletes the selected rendering preset.
  • Preset Menu: Opens a menu with additional preset-related actions.
  • Move Up: Moves the selected preset up in the list.
  • Move Down: Moves the selected preset down in the list.
  • Apply Preset: Applies the selected preset to the rendering settings.

Preset Menu

Description: The Preset Menu provides additional preset-related actions:

  • Refresh Preset: Refreshes the list of presets.
  • Save Preset: Saves the current rendering settings as a new preset.
  • Export Preset: Exports the selected preset to a file.
  • Import Preset: Imports a preset from a file.
  • Preset Info: Displays information about the selected preset
  • Open Preset Folder: Open the directory where presets are stored for quick access.

Add-on Preferences

  • EXR Import Location: Set the location from which to automatically import EXR files.
  • Preset Directory: Set the directory where presets are saved and imported from.
  • Enable or Disable Panels: Now you have the ability to enable or disable certain panels within the add-on.
  • Backup Settings: Easily back up add-on preferences, such as EXR Import Location, Preset Directory, and settings for enabling or disabling panels.
  • Restore Settings: Restore your saved backup preferences.
  • Check for Updates: Check for add-on updates. When checking is complete, you will see a "New Update Available" if a new update is available. Clicking on it will take you to the Blender Market Orders page. If the add-on is up-to-date, a button will indicate "Add-on is Up to Date" along with a "Check for Updates" button for future checks.

LUT's Installation

  • Description: This feature is available for users who downloaded Blender from the official website and for Windows.
  • To use this function, run Blender as an administrator.
  • Set a location where the .cube LUT files are located (create a folder for this purpose).
  • After setting the folder, click the "Install LUTs" button. The installation will occur immediately, and a backup file will be created.
  • Restart Blender to see the changes.
  • Go to the Color Management panel in the Render Properties panel. If you choose View Transform as Standard or Filmic, you can see the LUT in the Look dropdown menu.

Important Note:

  • When installing, if you install some .cube LUTs and need to install more, you first need to remove the initially installed .cube LUTs. Otherwise, clicking on apply will create a backup from the current file (config.ocio) and .cube LUTs. If you need to install more .cube LUTs, you will have to manually remove the .cube LUTs.
  • To remove the LUTs, run Blender as an administrator, go to preferences, and click on the "Remove LUTs" button. It will remove the LUTs.

Render Palette Menu

  • Description: Enable or disable panels:
  • Batch Render Panel
  • Camera Settings Panel
  • Lens Properties Panel
  • Tracking Settings Panel
  • Render Preset Panel
Sales 30+
Customer Ratings 1
Average Rating
Published over 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
License GPL
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