Rename-Names Ease Addon For Blender
Using the Rename-Names Ease Add-on in Blender
This add-on allows advanced batch renaming of objects with features like Find & Replace, Case Sensitivity, Change Case, Prefixes, b, Numbering, and more.
Step-by-Step Guide to Each Feature
1. Open the Add-on
1. Open Blender.
2. In the 3D Viewport, press `N` to open the Sidebar.
3. Navigate to the Rename-Names Ease tab.
2. Basic Rename
- Field: New Name
- Usage: If you want to replace the name of selected objects with a completely new name.
- Example:
- Select objects: Cube, Sphere, Cone.
- Enter "Object_01" in New Name.
- Click Apply Batch Rename.
- Result: All objects are renamed to `Object_01`.
3. Find & Replace
- Fields: Find Text and Replace Text
- Usage: Replace a specific substring in object names.
- Example:
- Select objects: `Left_Arm`, `Left_Leg`, `Left_Hand`.
- In Find Text, enter "Left".
- In Replace Text, enter "Right".
- Click Apply Batch Rename.
- Result: Objects renamed to `Right_Arm`, `Right_Leg`, `Right_Hand`.
4. Case Sensitivity in Find & Replace
- Field: Case Sensitive
- Usage: Enable/disable case sensitivity during the Find & Replace operation.
- Example:
- Select objects: `left_Arm`, `Left_Leg`, `LEFT_Hand`.
- Case Sensitive enabled: Replace "Left" with "Right" affects only `Left_Leg`.
- Case Sensitive disabled: All instances of "left" are replaced (results: `Right_Arm`, `Right_Leg`, `Right_Hand`).
5. Change Case
- Field: Change Case
- Options:
- Original: No changes to case.
- Uppercase: Converts names to uppercase.
- Lowercase: Converts names to lowercase.
- Title Case: Capitalizes the first letter of each word.
- Example:
- Select objects: `Left_Arm`, `Left_Leg`, `Left_Hand`.
- Choose Uppercase: All names become `LEFT_ARM`, `LEFT_LEG`, `LEFT_HAND`.
- Choose Lowercase: Names become `left_arm`, `left_leg`, `left_hand`.
- Choose Title Case: Names become `Left_Arm`, `Left_Leg`, `Left_Hand`.
6. Prefix, Suffix, and Separator
- Fields: Prefix, Separator, Suffix
- Usage: Add text before or after the object name with a customizable separator.
- Example:
- Select objects: `Cube`, `Sphere`.
- Set Prefix to "Main", Separator to "_", and Suffix to "01".
- Result: Objects renamed to `Main_Cube_01` and `Main_Sphere_01`.
7. Add Punctuation
- Fields: Add Punctuation, Punctuation
- Usage: Adds punctuation to the end of each name.
- Example:
- Select objects: `Cube`, `Sphere`.
- Enable Add Punctuation and set Punctuation to "!".
- Result: Objects renamed to `Cube!` and `Sphere!`.
8. Add Incremental Numbering
- Fields:
- Add Numbering
- Start Number
- Step Size
- Digits
- Usage: Adds numbering to objects, with customizable starting number, step size, and digit formatting.
- Example:
- Select objects: `Cube`, `Sphere`.
- Enable Add Numbering.
- Set Start Number to 10, Step Size to 2, and Digits to 3.
- Result: `Cube010`, `Sphere012`.
Combining Features
You can combine multiple features for complex renaming tasks.
Example: Comprehensive Rename
1. Objects: `old_Arm`, `old_Leg`.
2. Settings:
- New Name: Leave empty (preserve the original names).
- Find Text: "old"
- Replace Text: "new"
- Change Case: Title Case
- Prefix: "Body"
- Separator: "-"
- Suffix: "Part"
- Add Numbering: Enabled, Start at 1, Step 1, Digits 2.
3. Click Apply Batch Rename.
4. Result:
- `Body-new_Arm-Part01`
- `Body-new_Leg-Part02`.
- Objects Not Renamed: Ensure objects are selected in the 3D Viewport.
- Unexpected Results in Find & Replace: Verify Case Sensitivity and that the Separator is set correctly.
- Overwritten Names: Ensure the New Name field is empty if you only want to modify parts of the names.
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