This item has an average rating of 5 from 19 ratings by the community.
over 1 year ago
Great Tree asset pack! Trees look very realistic even in Eevee! The document file for "How To Use" with .rtf format does not open very quickly...should i be concerned?
Andrew Johnson
almost 2 years ago
These trees look great, but the Pine one is messed up. There are random non-natural colors on some of the "leaves" like blue or pink. The pine "leaves" also seem to not be using the alpha correctly as they have slightly visible black boxes around them. I spent a good 20 minutes messing with the shaders and re-importing the models, but I can't get it looking correct. The other trees look correct. The collections are a bit messed up, like the axis groups that are supposed to move the whole tree rig together is not linked and doesn't link very well without removing the model's customizability. I'm sure that these issues are just because this pack hasn't been updated to blender 3.1 yet. I will still use it and am patiently waiting for an update for the latest version of blender.
Long BH
over 2 years ago
Working fine for the most parts, however, there are some problems that I encountered:
- The Maple tree has a leaf that appear all black in Eevee
- The Pine Tree has "Wireframe" visibility as default(not actually a problem but might confuse some people not too familiar with Blender)
- The Documentation is kinda too basic (there are no "groups", only "collections"). No word on what's the purpose of the spheres around the trees or the armature scale control.
Jeff Lange
about 3 years ago
I've used this pack a ton, super great value!
over 3 years ago
Hmmm... I cant seem to get this working properly with Eevee?? I just get pink bark textures. Tried external data / missing files but only cycles seems to render properly. Any thoughts?
Steve Lund
over 3 years ago
I'll look into Alan! What are your system specs? Sometimes older Macs seem to have issues with Eevee.
over 4 years ago
The pack is great. It makes my nature projects look awesome. Keep up the good work Steve.
Jonathan Mann
about 5 years ago
I needed some hassle-free trees and vegetation for a composition. Your pack worked perfectly, and I'm so thankful to you for providing it for such a great price, and for all of your excellent Youtube tutorials - you really helped me in a big way. Keep up the good work!
martin benavides
about 5 years ago
how do you scale this things ... tried and was just a mess
Steve Lund
about 5 years ago
You can scale the trees using the Empty parented to every corresponding tree.
almost 6 years ago
Very nice pack as nice as the support. It took less than an hour to get a kind answer to a couple of questions. And, yes ! The trees look very good !
Ian Letarte
almost 6 years ago
These are really handy. They will save me so much time.