Real Stars Skydome
The files included with this product are
1. SkyDomeDocumentation.pdf – 13 pages of documentation of the different collections in the .blend file and the material node setups
2. RealStarsSkyDome.blend – the .blend file containing all the star objects, star name objects and materials, plus a couple of camera setups.
1. Not seeing any stars in your renders? The stars are located on a 1000m radius dome. Make sure you camera "clip end" setting is large enough to see them - e.g. set the camera clip end to at least 1100m
2. Getting lots of fireflies and/or unwanted illumination effects from the stars in your renders? Select all the star objects, and alt-click the different settings under "Object properties"->"Visibility"->"Ray visibility" that you want to exlude - e.g. turn off all ray visibility settings EXCEPT "camera".
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