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RADarr is an adddon which helps in creating radial array in a convenient way for artists in many different use cases and it comes along with few related functionalities and additional useful features.
Usability and user experience have been kept as one of the foremost goals while creating this.
End users and artists alike can achieve a very high quality of work with just a few clicks, ease-of-use and with elegance once the basic structure is modeled out when they incorporate RADarr in their regular workflow.
The above example of a wheel-rim is shown as a quick demo here. So, we not only establish a radial array but also weld where it is required and scrap out the excess geometry.
RADarr also comes with some extra features, like having a radial array of an object but spanning only a part of the circumference.
This above feature is used to create an array of pillars in a circular pattern as shown below and which is partially filled. And it takes only a few seconds to achieve this result.
And with Fibonacci [Beta] feature one can create some interesting spiral pattern as well.
*For more on how to use the different features of this tool, click on the Documentation tab on the top.
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