Quick Uv Pro
1) Install Quick Uv Projection in the User Preference Editor:
change your shortcuts here:
2) Press B key to call Quick UV projection Pie Menu and play with it!
3) Rotate Uvs incremental:
- Click on Rotate Uvs it rotates the uvs with 90° angle by default
- Click+CTRL on Rotate Uvs it rotates the uvs with 45° angle
- Click+SHIFT on Rotate Uvs it rotates the uvs with 30° angle
4) Modal Uv:
Be Sure to be in Face-Mode to transform faces uv!
Click then choose between all thoese shortcuts:
- 'S' : Scale:
- 'R' : Rotate
- 'G' : Move:
- 'A' : Select All
- 'Ctrl-Z' : Cancel
- 'TAB' : Edit Mesh
- 'K' : Knife !!! validate your cut with Spacebar to stay in Modal !!!
- 'Numpad 0' : Fit Texture to Face
- 'X','Y' : Mirror the texture in X,Y
- 'BUTTON4MOUSE' , 'RETURN' or 'NUMPAD_ENTER' : Validate your operation
5) Unwrap:
6) Link Material
- Select youre Mesh
- Select the object you want to pick material from
- Press B and Click on Link Material
7) UV Gizmo CUBE
- When youre mesh is selected Click on Uv Gizmo, it will create Gizmo that allows you to Scale, Rotate, Move and Stretch interactivelly the Uvs in the 3D viewport.
- How it works?
it Creates a UVWarp Modifier. Once you are Ok with your Uv Projetction you can apply the modifier by Click "Apply"
- To use Gizmo only on a part of the mesh:
- Select some faces
- Click on UV Gizmo and Apply
- Set youre scale, rotation
- Select detached faces
- Select the original mesh
- Click"Apply"
9) Real Size Gizmo:
- Set your Size, Rotation or Scale interactively
- You can enter precize values in the Redo Panel or in the Tranform Panel
- Defaut value is 1 meter
- Same metohd than the Cube gizmo in Object mode or edit mode:
- Select detached faces
- Select the original mesh
- Click"Apply"
9) Project texture from view:
- you can project texture from view by pressing B and drag on the Right.
- Rotate the viewport 45°: Ctrl+Alt+ MiddleMouseButton
- Rotate the viewport -45°: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+ MiddleMouseButton
9) Cylinder Projection
Be sure to be in Orthoganal view before launching the Cylinder Projection
Please take a look at the Demo that will show you accuratelly how Quick Uv Pro Works.
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