Qol Tools: Hud - Distances

by QOL Tools in Addons

Demo video:

HUD - Distances

  An always on at-a-glance displaying distances between any two selected things

   Note: Now also includes 4.2 extension version.

 Everyday problem: You want a realtime tool for measuring the distances between any two things, but the built-in measure tool is clumsy, faffy and doesn't stick to things when you move them ?   Distances is here for you! 

With HUD Distances. You just know :)


   QOL HUD Distances appears on screen as soon as you have any two things selected.

   In its simplest form, it just gives a quick and easy measurement of whatever you have selected. 

Movement and Locking:

If you plan to move any of those two things, you can lock the distances tool to just them:


    Any time that you have distances in "locked" mode, it will allow you to move, animate the selected things and it will automatically update the measurements.

Distance Modes

    But what if I only want to know the distance on the X,Y or Z mode ?
    Well, you can simply toggle the helper line style between on, off, or all axes at the same time.

The distance modes toggle icon can be found at the top-right of your 3D view.

There you go.. fabulous!   

I do a lot of architectural end engineering previs, and it's honestly saved me a LOT of time.  Hopefully you'll find it useful too ?  :)


Note that this addon is also included for free as part of the discounted QOL Tools: Full Collection package! (All addons are always added as free to this collection forever!)

Available here:


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Sales 90+
4 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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measurement addon measuring distances measure hud