Procedural Weaver
"Weave any Object"
- This tool can weave any object having any shape.
- Set direction for individual lines.
- Full control over the lines' geometry.
- Provide necessary attributes for the material.
Free updates forever
You can use this as an asset by assigning the Weaver Folder as an Asset Library in the Blender Preferences.
This video demo shows how to use this as an asset and the settings of the Weaver modifier.
This is the Weaver modifier made with geometry nodes for Blender 3.6, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2.
You can use this tool in any of your projects (non-commercial or commercial).
You may not redistribute the geometry node group itself, for free or commercially.
Happy Noding... :)
Kuldeep Singh (3D Singh VFX)
Query / Support
Released "Weaver v1.0" for Blender 4.1, and 4.2.
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