Kick-start your procedural materials
This pack contains:
- 8 procedural textures, 4 roof tiles and 4 floorboards, each producing a different layout
- a procedural Wood Facade node for high-quality, high-detail wooden surfaces
- a set of custom utility nodes to help you build procedural materials
- a set of example materials illustrating how to use these nodes to create high quality procedural materials of your own.
All the textures are customisable, some featuring different modes and types. The rounded edges of the tiles and boards and the space between them are adjustable.
The nodes generate a heightmap for use with Bump or Displacement, separate masks for horizontal and vertical edges, a UV map for each tile/board for texturing or further procedurals, and a unique random color value. Some nodes also feature masks for isolating certain pertinent areas.
Simple In - Advanced Out
These procedural textures produce advanced results from simple inputs. They can use Object coordinates, UV maps, Generated coordinates, or any type of gradients. Size values are in world units for absolute control.
Note that the texture does not take a Vector input, but two separate axes named U and V. In the example material above, we use the X and Z axes of the Object Texture Coordinates.
The 8 Textures
Each texture gives you a different layout with several options for customisation. Here are the 8 types and their variations:
Standard Floorboards
Herringbone 90
Herringbone 45
Standard Tiles
Round Tiles
Multi-style Tiles
The Wood Facade Node
The Wood facade uses the Texture Nodes' outputs to create a high-quality wood grain effect which works beautifully, not only with the floor textures, but with all ONAN textures, even from other texture packs!
Highly Optimized Custom Nodes
This pack comes with a free additional pack of custom utility nodes to help you build your procedural materials:
- Height Blend - mixes two values by returning the higher of the two
- Value Mix - mixes two values like a Color Mix
- Value Ramp - remaps two values to a custom range, similar to a Color Ramp
- Grad Dist - an optimized circular gradient
- Value to Direction - remaps a 0 to 1 range to a -1 to 1 range
- Vector + Color - transforms a color into a vector and adds it to an input vector
Special Thanks
For a straight-out-of-the-box render, this pack includes a free CC0 HDRi background image texture generously provided by HDRi Haven.