Procedural Textures Pack - Eclectic
Get to know the Textures
This pack includes several example materials illustrating some techniques employed in building procedural materials both basic and more advanced. There are two example materials for each texture, a standard material and a pixelated image or mosaic material. You are encouraged to dig into the materials and see how they work so you can employ the same methods in your projects.
Open your downloaded .blend file and let's have a look at the Demo - Chain mail material.
You can use any kind of coordinates with a Separate node to access two axes and feed them into the U and V sockets of your texture node.
For this example, we used the Object coordinates and placed the object's origin at the bottom left of our geometry.
NOTE: If you intend to deform your geometry, you'll have to do a UV unwrap and use the UV texture coordinates.
Step by step
The ONAN-Chain mail Texture:
The Height output goes into a Displacement node or a Bump node.
The Mask output is used to control:
- a Color Mix node to mix between the background color and the rings color.
- the Metallic value of the Principled Shader.
- a Value Mix node to control roughness.
- a Value Mix node to control IOR.
Now let's have a look at the Demo - Chain Mail Pixelated Image material.
Click the Browse Material button and select the material from the drop-down menu:
You'll see the new material is identical to the previous example except for one major difference; we have used an image texture to create a mosaic effect where each ring of the chain mail represents a pixel of the image:
We use the Pixelated UVs output of the texture as the Vector input for our image which gives us the pixelated mosaic effect. The plane in this example is 1 x 1 so the image gets mapped perfectly but even if this were not the case, we could easily correct any repeating/tiling with the Pixelated U Scale and Pixelated V Scale inputs:
To add the Textures to your Blender project:
- Open your existing project or start a new one in Blender.
- Click File -> Append then browse to your downloaded file and click on it once.
- Click on NodeTree. The texture and facade nodes can be identified by the ONAN prefix. Select the nodes you would like to use and click Append from Library.
- The nodes will now be available in the Shader Editor. Click Add -> Group and find them by the ONAN prefix.
The Textures
All the textures have certain input and output sockets in common and some have unique inputs for additional functionality.
Common Inputs
- U - input U axis.
- V - input V axis.
- U Scale - horizontal scale of the uv map generated for each ring/tile/segment.
- V Scale - vertical scale of the uv map generated for each ring/tile/segment.
- Pixelated U Scale - horizontal scale of the pixelated mosaic uv map.
- Pixelated V Scale - vertical scale of the pixelated mosaic uv map.
- Random Seed - changes the output random color and certain random features of the texture.
Common Outputs
- Height - a heightmap texture.
- Mask - a mask to isolate tiles/rings/segments from surrounding space.
- Header Mask - a mask to isolate certain areas pertinent to the layout so you can treat them differently and make them stand out.
- UVs - a uv map for each tile/ring/segment.
- Pixelated UVs - a uv map which treats each tile/ring/segment as a pixel of an image.
- Random - a random color for each tile/ring/segment.
Unique Inputs
Chain mail
- Ring diameter - the size of the rings.
- Ring thickness - the thickness and depth of the rings.
- Looseness - how densely the rings are packed together.
Simple Weave
- Size - general size of the threads and the weave.
- Grout - fills in the gaps between threads.
Woven Straps
- Size - width of the straps.
- Bridge - density of the weave.
- Edge - roundness of the strap edges.
- Space - size of the space between straps.
Random Sized Tiles
- Min U Size - approximate smallest horizontal size of tiles.
- Max U Size - approximate largest horizontal size of tiles.
- V Size - approximate largest vertical size of tiles.
- Edge - roundness of tile edges.
- Space - size of the space between tiles.
- Offset - horizontal offset for rows of tiles.
- Grout - fills in the gaps between tiles.
Radial Tiles
- Center U - horizontal center of the disc.
- Center V - vertical center of the disc.
- Radius - radius of the disc.
- U Size - horizontal tile size.
- V Size - vertical tile size.
- Edge - roundness of tile edges.
- U Space - space between tiles horizontally.
- V Space - space between tiles vertically.
- Rotation - rotation of the tiles. NOTE: as the tiles are rotated they will automatically resize themselves smaller as they must fit into their slot.
- Random Rotation - random rotation of the tiles.
- Local U Space - space at the sides of tiles accounting for rotation.
- Local V Space - space at the top and bottom of tiles accounting for rotation.
- Square Mask - deactivates squaring of tiles within this distance from the center of the disc.
- Rounded Corners - selects between sharp and rounded corners of tiles.
- Extra Height - height adjustment for tiles.
- Offset - radial offset for rings of tiles
- Grout - fills in the gaps between tiles.
Tiles With Insets (dots)
- Size - size of the tiles.
- Edge - roundness of tile edges.
- Space - space between tiles.
- Offset - horizontal offset for rows of tiles.
- Inset Size - size of the insets.
- Inset Shape - number of sides for insets.
- To Circle - morphs between Inset Shape and a circle. You can exceed the 0-1 range for very interesting curved shapes.
- Rotation - rotation of insets.
- Random Rotation - random rotation of insets.
- Offset - horizontal offset for rows of insets.
- Grout - fills in the gaps between tiles.
The Facades
The facade nodes come after the texture node in the chain and take the texture's UVs output and, optionally, the Random output.
- Size - general size of the texture.
- Height - height (depth) of the texture.
- Mask Bias - controls the amount of space between raised areas.
- U Scale - horizontal size.
- V Scale - vertical size.
- Offset Intensity - how much the texture is offset from the center of the "tree trunk".
Tricolor Pixelation
- Random - random rotation of pixels.
- Image - image to be pixelated.
- Brightness - intensity of color values.
- Pixel Rotation - rotation of pixels.
- Red - size of red segment.
- Green - size of green segment.
- Blue - size of blue segment.
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