Procedural Shader - 4.2+

by GM Designer in Surfacing

Will these shaders work in other programs?

No, these materials are for the exclusive use of blender and will not work on other render engines.

What if the shader textures look strange on the model?

Simple. you need to scale. Select the model you created, press 'Ctrl + A' and select 'Scale'.

Do I need to open UVs to use these materials?

No, they use object coordinates so there is no need to open UVs to use the shaders.

Can I use Eevee or Cycles?

Yes, Procedural Shaders Package_1.0 will work with both Eevee and Cycles rendering engines.


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Sales 60+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License Royalty Free