Procedural Dynamic Paint

by 3DSinghVFX in Modifier Setups

"Control the dynamic paint with nodes!"

Dynamic Paint Features (New v2.0):
  • Procedural Dynamic Paint: Powered by Geometry Nodes, it offers precise control over Brush and Canvas painting parameters.

  • Modes: Choose from two dynamic modes - Paint and Flow (UV-Mesh).

  • Object Interaction: Paint on any canvas object using another object as your brush (supporting brushes- Objects, Meshes, or Curves).

  • Dynamic Effects: Paint can exhibit dynamic behaviors, including Drip, Damp, Spread, Dry, Dissolve, and Wet-Paint Thickness.

  • Custom Brush Color: Define brush color using images or color maps.

  • Custom Forces: Apply custom force directions to influence paint dynamics to suit your needs.

  • Mask Generation: It generates three essential masks - Wet Mask, Dry Mask, and Color - which enhance shading and visual effects.

  • Paint Transfer: Easily transfer paint from one object to another when they come into contact.

  • Animation Integration: Object animations influence the dynamics of the paint, making it adaptable and realistic.

Dynamic Mask Features (New v1.0):
  • Procedural Dynamic Mask: Powered by Geometry Nodes, it offers precise control over mask painting parameters.

  • Object Interaction: Paint a mask on any mesh object using another object as your brush.

  • Dynamic Effects: Mask can exhibit dynamic behaviors, including Spread, Shrink, and Dissolve.

  • Influence Mask: Influence the dynamics of the mask, with any field e.g., noise falloff, etc.


    The Blender 3.6, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2 has the baking feature for the Simulation Nodes of the Geometry Nodes. To bake: Select the Object having the simulation nodes -> Physics Tab -> Simulation Nodes (Bottom) -> Press Bake. It will bake and store the cache next to the project file.

    Free updates forever

    Project Files

    You'll get two project files of Procedural Dynamic Mask:


    You can use this as an asset by specifying the preset folder as an asset library in the Blender preferences.


    Detailed documentation of settings is included with the files.

    A video demo is also available on my YouTube channel: 3D Singh VFX : Demo-1, Demo-2





    These presets are made with simulation nodes of the geometry nodes for Blender 3.6, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2.


    You can use this tool in any of your projects (non-commercial or commercial).

    You may not redistribute the geometry node group itself, for free or commercially.

    Happy Noding... :)

    Kuldeep Singh (3D Singh VFX)

    Query / Support






    Releasing Procedural Dynamic Paint v2.0 for Blender 4.2.

    Releasing Procedural Dynamic Mask v1.0 for Blender 4.2.


    Releasing Procedural Dynamic Paint v2.0 for Blender 4.1.

    Releasing Procedural Dynamic Mask v1.0 for Blender 3.6, 4.0, and 4.1.


    Releasing Procedural Dynamic Paint v2.0 for Blender 3.6, 4.0.

    • Split the Brush node into individual brushes: Object, Mesh, and Curve.

    • Added Brush Stroke Frame node.

    • Streamlined and grouped the inputs for a better user experience.

    • Added Paint Info node for material.

    • Separate the Paint and Flow materials.

    • Updated the documentation file.


    • Updated the files for Blender 3.6 experimental build on 1st May 2023.

    23/02/2023 (Video):

    • Add the Brush Color. It allows to define the brush color based on the Image or Color map.
    • Add the UV Flow. It flows the UV Map of the object based on the forces.
    • Add the Mesh Flow. It flows the mesh of the object based on the forces, mainly for the Plane and Spherical Meshes.

    • This tool dynamically paints a "mask" on any mesh surface with dissolve, spread, and shrink features.

    • Dynamically "paint" any mesh surface with color, drip, damp, spread, dry, dissolve, and wet-paint thickness features. (You also get the Dynamic Mask)


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    Sales 80+
    2 ratings
    Dev Fund Contributor
    Published about 2 years ago
    Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
    License Royalty Free