Procedural Arabic Pattern

by smice in Models

The basic idea behind this collection of 55 tiles with Arabic patterns is, that in a first step the geometry is broken down into individual parts by using geometry nodes, to have a certain control on it. The object is broken down into individual islands and can be controlled using the geometry node modifier.

Main Adjustment

The „Mesh Adjustment“ moves the Mesh Face from and toward each other, so it is possible to generate more space between the faces. The Mesh is splited with the Geometry Node in to pieces. Here we can adjust the Island distance.

Color Adjustment

Based on the Mesh Islands size, the color is changing. Here you can adjust the color depending on the island size. Small means all islands have a special color, higher values changes to the basic ground color (the primary color box in the modifier).

  1. The „extrude“ mesh slider lift the faces out of the object, a higher value makes a bigger object in Z-Direction
  2. There are about 20 materials pre-defined in the back. With this box you can change the ground color, the side color of the object and the top color, what means the main color. with Random color you have a seed slider to mix the random color new. But of course you are free to develop more material matching to your desire.
  3. A "shade smooth" button switch to a glossy and smooth surface.
  4. The scale parameter let you adjust the dimension of the object in
    each direction.
  5. As well the move parameter let you adjust the center of the object at a certain place
  6. The bevel modifier is used to make the object edges a bit smoother. the adjustment is in „amount“ and number of „segments“
  7. The random value is stored in the geometry nodes and used in the material setup in the shader node
  8. With the array modifier, which is not the "usual Array Modifier", it comes from Geometry Node, you can multiplicate the object endless in x and y direction. Be aware. All Object are pre-adjusted with the 3 * 3 Pattern. If you change the number of repetitions, you have to adjust the distance with the „grid Size“ new.!
  9. The last button let you flip the object from horizontal to vertical, if you need


The Weld modifier on the end, make a last „clean up“ of the mesh. it deletes a significant amount of overlapping vertices
All Object have a individual asset image for a better orientation, and of course are all object marked as assets


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Published 8 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Textured
License Creative Commons