Principled Organic Materials

by BK SciViz in Surfacing

How do I use this product?

Please take a look at our "Documentation" page for details on getting started, including a video tutorial. This product is easy-to-use, the same way that you would use any Blender shader, and materials can be customized using simple node groups that can be controlled similar to the Principled BSDF. You can either append the materials from the .blend file distributed with the product, or drop the .blend file directly into your asset browser library folder to use the materials directly from the asset browser.

Do these materials work in other software (not Blender)?

The procedural materials only work in Blender. They are built from Blender's shader nodes. However, you can use these materials to generate textures that can be used in other software by using Blender's built-in baking system.

Do I need a high-end system to use these materials?

These materials perform well on a variety of GPU-based systems, but the shaders tend to render much more slowly on CPUs compared to simple materials. This is particularly true of our most demanding material, the scaley alien skin. We recommend using a system with an GeForce RTX 2060 or better, which is the lowest-end GPU we have tested these materials on. Please take a look at our performance benchmarks for different CPUs and GPUs to get a better sense for how these materials will perform on your system. If you are concerned, please try out the free-tier of this product, which includes the "Alien Eggs" procedural material in its fully-featured form.

Does this work for both Cycles and Eevee?

Yes, these materials work with both Cycles and Eevee. However, the materials work best in Cycles for the following reasons:

  • Cycles supports actual displacement in shaders, rather than just faking the displacement through bump mapping. The result is far more believable materials in Cycles. 
  • In our hands, using Cycles tends to deliver better performance than Eevee for some of the materials. The large shader networks used under the hood seem to be better handled by the Cycles engine.

Do I need to be an expert with shader nodes to use these materials?

Absolutely not! These materials can be controlled and customized through easy-to-use node groups that behave similarly to the Principled BSDF shader that comes with Blender. You can customize the materials by just experimenting with the sliders, colors, and values that are exposed through these node groups without worrying about complicated node networks.

Of course, if you want to learn more about how these materials are built, you can dive into the node groups to see the full node networks that these materials are built on.

Can I use these materials to create textures for games?

Definitely! While the materials, themselves, only work in Blender, you can take advantage of Blender's built-in texture baking functionality to bake textures, normal maps, and displacement maps that can then be used in the same manner that you would use any image-based texture in your favorite game engine.

Choose a product version:

  • $15 Pro Pack

    7 fully procedural organic materials, including the Alien Egg Sac material from the free tier. Commercial and non-commercial use.

  • $0 Alien Eggs Free Shader

    Alien Egg Sac material from the Pro Pack. Fully featured and provided free for you to test out at no risk.

Sales 30+
Downloads 70+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 5 months ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free
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