Poly Hunter
Hello and welcome to Poly Hunter. We're about to gain an advantage that hunters for centuries have dreamed of. You can simply toggle the "Predator View" in the addon's JunoTools N panel This will show you a comprehensive list of poly counts in the viewport as well as coloring everything to be familiar weights colors. Not much else to say about Poly Hunter at the moment. Please let me know if there are any unexpected problems or perhaps features you'd find helpful in your workflow. Thank you!
This addon is a part of a larger package that is under development by Juno Mars 3D. This collection is called JunoTools. it contains a handful of smaller parts that help with various modeling and file optimization/organization workflows. The goal of JunoTools is to save you hours of clicks on tasks you'll find yourself doing every day.
(Models shown in the previews are from the Evermotion AM215 pack, buildings 23, and 34)
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Scene Optimization 3d Low Poly hunter 3D asset optimization 3D Workflow Optimization poly Poly-Hunter