Plant Models Vol 38 Low Blender
Plant Models Vol 38 Low Poly is a collection of low poly 3D plant models. Includes 12 species, a total of 72 models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Amygdalus triloba [‘Prunus Triloba’]
- Aspidistra elatior [‘Cast Iron Plant’]
- Cassia alata [‘Senna Alata’,’Candle Brush’]
- Cuphea ignea [‘Cigar Flower’,’Cuphea Platycentra’]
- Duranta repens [‘Duranta Erecta’,’Golden Dewdrops’]
- Hibiscus tiliaceus [‘Sea Hibiscus’,’Beach Hibiscus’]
- Hymenocallis littoralis [‘Beach Spider Lily’]
- Kigelia africana [‘Kigelia’,’Sausage Tree’]
- Pachira aquatica [‘Guiana Chestnut’,’Pachira Macrocarpa’,’Bombax Macrocarpum’]
- Pleioblastus fortunei [‘Sasa Fortunei’]
- Syzygium samarangense [‘Java Apple’,’Wax Apple’,’Wax Jambu’]
- Sterculia lanceolata [‘Lanceleaf Sterculia’]
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