Plant Models Vol 162 Blender
Plant Models Vol 162 is a collection of high-quality 3D Winter Ground Cover Plants models. Includes 12 species, total 96 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Amaranthus hybridus[Slim amaranth, Smooth amaranth, Smooth pigweed]
- Crassocephalum crepidioides[Redflower ragleaf, Ebolo, Thickhead]
- Cynodon dactylon[Bermuda grass, Bermudagrass, Devil grass]
- Digitaria violascens[Violet crabgrass]
- Erigeron canadensis[Canadian horseweed, Canadian fleabane, Horseweed]
- Festuca rubra[Red fescue]
- Imperata cylindrica[Saccharum cylindricum, Cogon grass]
- Kyllinga brevifolia[Shortleaf spikesedge, Green kyllinga, Perennial greenhead sedge]
- Phragmites australis[Common reed]
- Pyracantha crenatoserrata[Chinese firethorn, Yunnan firethorn, Pyracantha fortuneana]
- Solidago canadensis[Canada goldenrod, Canadian goldenrod]
- Sporobolus fertilis[Bloomsbury grass, Giant parramatta grass]
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3d winter cgi environment weed yellow grass highpoly 3dplants wild grassland maxtree shrub plantmodel 3dmodeling