Physical Open Waters

by Physical Addons in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 11 ratings by the community.

  • Jevpro
    about 2 months ago

    I bought this add-on last year and was very satisfied with it, to the point that it became one of my favorites. Unfortunately, since Blender has updated to versions 4.1 and 4.2, the add-on is no longer compatible with Mac, and I can no longer use it. I regret that no warning was given to users regarding the add-on's incompatibility with Mac ARM.

    • Physical Addons

      19 days ago

      Hi! We're happy to hear you like the addon, unfortunately the changes that happened to Blender made us pull support for silicon chip MACs. We are actively working on getting it back stable, in fact the addon works if you have the PSA addon.

  • Steve J
    2 months ago

    The underlying tech behind this is good and shows loads of potential – but all my oceans look fake and weird, as if they're covered in regular fine ripples, like corrugated metal (all the presets do this). I asked about this on the Discord but got no reply. Is it some issue with the macOS version? Is it just a weird design decision? No idea. I hope future versions will be improved and at least come with some proper documentation. I have to work too hard to get it looking half-way decent – disappointed so far.

    • Physical Addons

      2 months ago

      Hi Steve,
      Thank you for your feedback. We are actively working on these issues and are expecting a bugfix update soon. Your experience is important to us, and we appreciate your patience as we strive to improve. We are also working on enhancing our documentation to make it easier for users to get the most out of our product, especially MAC OS users who have been having issues with POW due to the way Blender works on Mac.
      Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and stay tuned for updates!

    3 months ago

    Although the Addon looks great it doesn't work well with Mac. The latest release just doesn't work due to Metal not supporting certain nodes which makes it very limiting. I think this should be made clear on Blender Market place.

    • Physical Addons

      2 months ago

      Hi, Jason!
      We're working on adding an extra warning for Mac users as well as trying to figure out how to run it on the Metal version so the addon is available for everyone. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Marko
    4 months ago

    Wow!!! :)

    This "Physical Open Waters" Addon is Really Amazing!!!

    I've been using it for a couple of months now, and it's so Easy tu use, just click in the N-Panel Tab, to Select "Ocean / POW Ocean"; then click once more on the "Add Ocean" Button; and you're Blown Away by the Hyper-Realistic Ocean Created in the Middle of Your Scene!!!

    Then Tweek the Easy to Use Parameters, and enjoy Rendering The Most Beautiful and Realistic Ocean there is!!! ;)

    Regarding the "Physical Addon Team"; I had a couple of Questions rearding the "Physical Celestial Objects - Procedural Planets", because I wanted to know, if it would suit my planned Renders for Educational Purposes for Physics Students in University and High-school...

    They were Extremly Quick to Respond and answered all my Questions; and offered me even an "Educational Discount Code" to Upgrade my Physical Open Water Addon, to the Full Bundle, comprising also "Physical Celestial Objects" and "Physical Starlight And Atmosphere".

    And those Addons are also Hyper-Realistic and Lightweight on your System (unlike other Addons, which offer good results, but take forever to Render a Single Image in Cycles);

    These Physical Addons work almost identically Fine in Cycle and in Eevee, I mean deliver in both Cases High Qulity Renders... So for Animations, you can switch to Eevee and Enjoy the Videos of Beautiful Skys and Oceans on Earth; and Planets in Outer Space; after a considerable Shorter Rendering Time then in Cycles!!! :)

    Thanks Physical Addons Team for these Amazing Addons!!!
    And keep Your Great Work and Motivation to Change the 3D Industry!!! ;)

    • Physical Addons

      3 months ago

      Hi, Marko!
      Thank you for the awesome review, and glad that you not only enjoyed our addons but also the support chat!

  • Zach Lambert
    4 months ago

    Extremely confusing addon to use. I couldn't even add an ocean to my scene for an entire month because I didn't have a world in my scene and the only way for me to know that I needed one was to post in the Discord server and wait for a response from someone.

    The Discord server is the only thing that can be found in the documentation tab for this addon, which should have been a red flag but I've officially learned my lesson now.

    From what I can tell, there is no proper documentation for this addon. You buy it, you try to use it, and if you can't figure it out you're forced to ask in a place where you are guaranteed no quick reply. I've had this addon for a couple months now and the farthest I've gotten with it is adding an ocean to my scene that the addon brings in with a default size off 2000m and all I see in any display mode is 9m wide mess of unusable geometry.

    This addon fucking sucks.

    • Physical Addons

      4 months ago

      Hey Zach! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Your feedback is valuable and we're committed to improving the user experience of our addon. Regarding the discord conversation, it did turn out you were using Blender in an unexpected way, which didn't let the addon work "out of the box" like it usually does. We are taking your comments seriously. At the moment we are working on reducing the time to market for updates and documentation has been put off far too long, but I can ensure that documentation is on its way. If you have any specific issues you'd like assistance with, please don't hesitate to reach out. We want to ensure you get the most out of our product.

  • srey laurent
    5 months ago

    Awesome add-on. Makes water so realistic thank you ! Was curious if you have plan to make it compatible for blender octane render one day ? Cheers !

    • Physical Addons

      4 months ago

      Hi! Glad you're enjoying it! As of now we don't have any plans on making our addons compatible with other render engines, but they might work anyhow! Testing needs to be done.

  • thegreattank
    8 months ago

    Awesome product !

    • Physical Addons

      7 months ago

      Thank you for getting back and taking the time to give us your feedback <3.

  • Danger N00dle
    8 months ago

    Looks great but the water is opaque.
    I haven't seen a way to make it transparent

    It's perfectly fine and serviceable when seen from a distance or an angle where we can't see what's underwater

    • Physical Addons

      8 months ago

      Thank you for the review! I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that surface transparency and underwater shading will be added in the near future, and we'd be happy to hear your thoughts about it then.

  • Martin Klekner
    9 months ago

    Already in its first version I find this addon a great time save and can't wait for the future udpates! More in my review here:

  • John
    10 months ago

    Amazing addon! Can't wait for dynamic interactions! Would be cool to someday see some splash effects as well!

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Sales 1300+
Customer Ratings 11
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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