Perspective Trickster Camera Rig
Perspective Trickster Camera Rig combines Tilt Shift Lens and Contra Zoom to create perspective trickery.
What Do All Those Words Mean?
so Tilt Shift Lens is...
perspective correction is
know when your talking a photo that looks up at a building and you want
the front to be square but it's perspectiving upwards cos the building
taller that you
So you drag it into the Gimp and go
Number of Lines,
line up the grid and gloat at the fact this is way harder in Photoshop?
A tilt shift lens allows you to do this within the camera.
your a lover of single-point perspective but you don't want vanishing
point to be locked in the centre of the screen, this will allow you to
do that. Great for re-creating renaissance perspective, or for that
matter the perspective of any 2D artstyle.
effect is achieved by zooming the camera out while tracking it forward -
or vice-versa. One object will remain the same size on screen while
the perspective becomes more or less exagerated. I created a video on
how to automate this in Blender a while back.
This deceptively simple Blender camera rig combines both of these.
How Do I Use It?
In Perspective Trickster.blend file you find a series of arches which are pritty simple to see perspective tricks with, and a
called Perspective Trickster containing a camera called Camera and an
object called Perspective Trickser. And a hidden empty called cam pos
which should be ignored at all costs. And an object called Overlay that
I'll go over later. Perspective Trickster consists of 5 Rectangles
which I think are the most common screen ratios based on no research
whatsoever - and the words Perspective Trickster just incase you're not
sick of me saying that yet.
will want to manipulate the position of the camera ... and the
position, rotation and scale of Perspective Trickster. The camera is
where the camera is. Perspective Trickster controls the angle of the
image. By this I mean... let's say you line it up with a doorway... so
you place it, scale it and rotate it so the rectangle your using is at
the same angle as the doorway and a little bigger. You can now move the
camera wherever you like and the doorway remains at the same angle and
size on the screen! So you can move it backward and forward for a
contrazoom, and move it horizontally and vertically for tilt shift.
the can leave the camera where it is, and move and scale perspective
trickster.... and it's as though your moving and zooming around a flat
image. And if you rotate it it's as though your rotating and distorting
a flat image. If you want to move Perspective Trickser WITHOUT
changing the image you can snap the 3d curser to the camera and scale
based on the 3d curser.
is for when you want to have to text, logos, spechbubbles etc overlayed
over your 3d scene and y don't want to add 'em on after the fact in
editing. Place them on this overlay plane and parent 'em to it.
Can I Break It?
Yes you can.
You can...
Move the camera the wrong side of the Perspective Trickster object
Perspective Trickster through just X, just Y or just Z
Parent Perspective Trickster to the camera
Mess around with the camera's sensor size (if you do, bring it back to 36mm)
And I'm sure you can find other ways to brake it. If you do, please add a comment.
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perspective perspective-tricks single-point-perspective NPR tilt-shift lens tilt-shift camera rig bnpr vertigo #camera #perspective #calibration perspective trickster camera contra-zoom wierd