Pack_02 Bird Family

by Animated3D in Models

Product Description:

Please read product information carefullybefore purchasing

ProductCompatible with : 3Dsmax, Maya, Blender, Iclone 8 and CC4, Unity, UE5, NvidiaOmniverse, Marmoset Toolbag …vv

  1.  1- Crane Bird_A3

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:19_Cheep, Cheep2, Feather_Pecking, Fly, Fly2, Fly3, Fly4, FlyDown, FlyUp, Idle,Landing, Play, Run, Run2, RunFly, Sleep, Stand, Walk, WalkRound

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

Crane BirdModel Motions A1,2,3,4 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     2- PheasantBird_B3

·        FBXBlender- One Fbx All motion

·        FBX3DSMAX-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        FBXMAYA-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        FrameRate: 60 Fps

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:05_Acrobatic, Fly, FlySlow, Landing, Play

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

PheasantBirdModel Motions B1,2,3,4 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, 3Dsmax, Maya, error may occur if using other platformto import, please contact for support.

     3- Peacock_V3E

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Idle, licking feathers, Run, Spread feathers, Spread feathers2, Walk

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     4- Peacock_V4E

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Idle, licking feathers, Run, Spread feathers, Spread feathers2, Walk

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import, pleasecontact for support.

     5- Duck_A3

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:08_ Eat, Flapping, Idle, Run, RunCircle, Swim, Swim2, Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

Duck ModelMotions A1,2,3, Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They only differin Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     6- Duck_A4

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:08_ Eat, Flapping, Idle, Run, RunCircle, Swim, Swim2, Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

Duck ModelMotions A4,5,6,7,8 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     7- Kestrel_B3

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:11_Eat, Fly, FlyCircle, Idle, LearnFly, Lying, Play, RightWalk, Run, RunFast,Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

KestrelModel Motions B1,2,3,4 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     8- Kestrel_B4

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:11_Eat, Fly, FlyCircle, Idle, LearnFly, Lying, Play, RightWalk, Run, RunFast,Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

KestrelModel Motions B1,2,3,4 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     9- Pheasant_A3

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Eat, FlyCircle, Idle, Play, Run, Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

PheasantModel Motions A1,2,3,4,5 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. Theyonly differ in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     10- Pheasant_A4

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Eat, FlyCircle, Idle, Play, Run, Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

PheasantModel Motions A1,2,3,4,5 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. Theyonly differ in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     11- OwlBird_A3

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:05_ Acrobatic, Eat, Fly, SlySlow, Landing

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

OwlBirdModel Motions A1,2,3,4,5 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. Theyonly differ in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     12- OwlBird_A4

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:05_ Acrobatic, Eat, Fly, SlySlow, Landing

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

OwlBird ModelMotions A1,2,3,4,5 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     13- SecretaryBird_A1

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        FBXBlender- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUnity- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUE5- One Fbx All motion

·        FBX3DSmax-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        FBXMaya-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        FrameRate: 60 Fps

·        Vertices:18.058 -  Faces: 17.352

·        Textures:PBR_Yes

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Atk, Idle, PeckingFeathers, Run, Walk , WalkCircle

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

SecretaryBirdModel Motions A1,2 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, 3Dsmax, Maya, UE5, Unity error may occur if using otherplatform to import, please contact for support.

     14- SecretaryBird_A2

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        FBXBlender- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUnity- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUE5- One Fbx All motion

·        FBX3DSmax-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        FBXMaya-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        FrameRate: 60 Fps

·        Vertices:18.058 -  Faces: 17.352

·        Textures:PBR_Yes

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Atk, Idle, PeckingFeathers, Run, Walk , WalkCircle

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

SecretaryBirdModel Motions A1,2 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, 3Dsmax, Maya, UE5, Unity error may occur if using otherplatform to import, please contact for support.

     15- Parrot_A8

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        Textures:PBR_Yes

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Fly, FlyCircle, FlyPlay, FlySlow, Idle, Landing

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

ParrotModel Motions A7,8,9,10 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. Theyonly differ in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     16- Parrot_A9

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        Textures:PBR_Yes

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:06_Fly, FlyCircle, FlyPlay, FlySlow, Idle, Landing

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

ParrotModel Motions A6,7,8,9,10 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. Theyonly differ in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform to import,please contact for support.

     17-  Eagle_A3

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        FBXBlender- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUnity- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUE5- One Fbx All motion

·        FBX3DSmax-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        FBXMaya-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        FrameRate: 60 Fps

·        Vertices:175.176 -  Faces: 185.921

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:14_Call, Die, Eat, Fly1, Fly2, Fly3, Fly4, Fly5, Fly6. Hunt1, Hunt2, Idle1,Idle2, Idle3

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

EagleModel Motions A1,2,3,4,5 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. Theyonly differ in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, 3Dsmax, Maya, UE5, Unity error may occur if using otherplatform to import, please contact for support.

     18- Eagle_A4

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        FBXBlender- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUnity- One Fbx All motion

·        FBXUE5- One Fbx All motion

·        FBX3DSmax-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        FBXMaya-Mesh and Motion (One motion per file)

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        FrameRate: 60 Fps

·        Vertices:175.176 -  Faces: 185.921

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:14_Call, Die, Eat, Fly1, Fly2, Fly3, Fly4, Fly5, Fly6. Hunt1, Hunt2, Idle1,Idle2, Idle3

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

EagleModel Motions A1,2,3,4,5 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. Theyonly differ in Color and Material.

FBX Exportis specific to Blender, 3Dsmax, Maya, UE5, Unity error may occur if using otherplatform to import, please contact for support.

     19- Chicken_A3

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        Textures:PBR_Yes

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:12_Atk, Atks, Atk3, Atk4, Atk5, Die, Idle, Idle2, Idle3, Jump, Run, Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

ChickenModel Motions A1,2,3 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBXExport is specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform toimport, please contact for support.

     20- Chicken_A4

·        FBX-One Fbx All motion

·        Blend-Blender3.6- One Blender All motion

·        iAvatar-Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion

·        Textures:PBR_Yes

·        DiffuseMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        NormalMapPNG 2048 X 2048

·        OpacityMapPNG 2048 x 2048

·        AoMap  PNG 2048 x 2048

·        DisplacementMapPNG 2048 x 2048

Motions:12_Atk, Atks, Atk3, Atk4, Atk5, Die, Idle, Idle2, Idle3, Jump, Run, Walk

·        Rigging:Yes

·        Plugins(Addon): No

·        Customizeproducts as required: No

ChickenModel Motions A4,5,6 Use the same video describing Typical Motions. They onlydiffer in Color and Material.

FBXExport is specific to Blender, error may occur if using other platform toimport, please contact for support.

Need technical support, please contact:





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Published 5 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Rigged, Animated, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free