Ordinary Tree Pack
To use:
simply hit append- browse to the pack-
go to collections in the pack folder, and append the collection that says "APPEND_ALL_TREES"
to spawn a tree, make sure you're working on your scene collection- then add a collection instance (Shift+A) - Search for "Tree"
to Edit the Materials/seasons- zoom out in your scene and you'll find the Master Materials plane.
feel free to tweak the Seasons, Color, translucency, etc.
use the "summer/autumn" slider to change seasons
--The autumn color can be changed to anything matching the scene (like blue or whatevs)
-----Make sure the translucency color matches the leaf color and is slightly brighter. or make it a completely random color- see where it takes you :)
Blender 2.7:
- works same as blender 2.8-
however, append everything on a separate layer< out and away from the scene.
Sales | 20+ |
Published | almost 5 years ago |
Blender Version | 2.7x, 2.77, 2.78, 2.79, 2.8 |
License | Royalty Free |
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