Omega Particle Fx V0.4.5

by AAA in Modifier Setups


After Purchasing the Assets you will get 5 Blend files 

        ♦  Elemental

        ♦  Electricity

        ♦  Sparks

        ♦  Magic

        ♦  Destruction

        ♦  Decoration

and a Support Files.rar  which includes the Textures, a full Guide+Bugix .txt and a Catalog file for Organising the Assets.

For Installing the Assets:

 you just need to set up an asset library folder  in Edit >Preferences >File Paths

Then in that folder just download all the files there, and you should be good to go

You can use the Assets from the Asset Browser

For Organising the Assets just Copy the text from Catalog.txt file

Then paste it in blender_assets.cats.txt in your Assets folder


If you have any doubts please refer to this video for a more detailed explanation

In the Asset Library there are two types of Assets 'Collection' & 'Object'

for Collection assets you need to uncheck  instance option to use them 

or the Kool way: just press ctrl+z once after dropping the Asset
  Now after Installing the Assets you need to do some changes in your blender default startup file
Firstly it's just personal preference but i keep my Layout like this since my workflow revolves a lot around Asset browser and Geonodes

In Color transforms use Agx with medium high contrast

Also not sponsored but i sometimes use the RenderRaw Addon to make the colors pop and more saturated in Agx though you can also do that in blender compositor or Ae too
Now for a bloom effect just add a simple glare node with fog glow with default settings in he compositor tab  
make sure to set the compositor device to gpu in render settings -> performance 

also just a quick tip,  in Output properties -> Output -> Encoding -> Three dots      you can select H264 in Mp4 to directly export as .mp4 instead of .mkv 

Now you can save this as your default startup file
For Cycles i recommend setting the transparency samples to 20+ since you might get some black artifacts while using Assets containing multiple transparent cards, it will increase render time tho

In some Assets with multiple spawning point lights  the lights may not show up in render because of this error

For this you can set your shadow pool in render settings -> performance -> memory   to like 1 gb if you have a good gpu vram 

♦  Now for every Collection Assets using simulation nodes to derive physics and collisions 
It's just a mesh with a geo nodes system applied to, which takes an emitter mesh - spawns points on it - applies physics - makes them collide with the given Collider collection - instances custom meshes to the points - and some technical stuff here and there

The emitter is outsourced to a seperate mesh because the forces like gravity needs to be constant instead rotating with the emitter

Here Gravity is a value of 0-10 for all the Assets

The Colliders must have some thickness otherwise the collisions won't work right 

 These assets can be quite heavy once populated in the scene 

once you like the result after playing with the geonodes settings  make sure to bake the sim( after saving the blend file ) in Physics properties otherwise the render won't be proper and might even crash

Also a huge shoutout to Cartesian Caramel for providing a free geometry nodes particle system

Most of the Assets were made using these node groups only so huge thanks to him!

you can check it out here:


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Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
License Royalty Free