Old Rum Bottles
This vintage rum bottle pack including 4 individual objects with 3 LODs and collision boxes to get the best optimization and the best quality for the most popular game engines. All elements can easily be positioned together to create a more detailed scene.
Pre-assembled assets available in
This AAA game asset of old rum bottles will embellish you scene and add more details which can help the gameplay and the game-design.
The material of models is unique and ready for PBR.
Low-poly model & Blender native 2.91
- Objects : 4
- Polygons : 1200
- Subdivision ready : Yes
- Render engine : Eevee (Cycles ready)
- LODs : Yes (inside FBX for Unity & Unreal)
- Numbers of LODs : 3
- Collider : Yes
- Lightmap UV : No
- Collada
- Materials in scene : 1
- Textures sizes : 4K
- Textures types : Base Color, Metallic, Roughness, Normal (DirectX & OpenGL), Heigh & AO (also Unity & Unreal workflow maps)
- Textures format : PNG
- Real scale : Yes
- Scene objects are organized by groups
File formats do not include textures. All textures are in a specific folder named 'Textures'
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