- 30 materials that I created during #nodevember 2020
- High quality shaders
- some Shaders are very easy to control with a single Node Group
- Some materials are animated
- Use them for any purpose anytime forever
- Cookie
- Candy
- Fruit
- Grain
- Pastry
- Drawing
- Layered
- Fluffy
- Paint
- Prehistoric
- Ancient
- Medieval
- Art Deco
- Cyberpunk
- Forest
- Fungus
- Growth
- Fluid
- Biome
- Architecture
- City
- Sign
- Game
- Instrument
- Geometric
- Glitch
- Branching (Animation Nodes)
- Fractal
- Illusion
10% goes to the Blender Foundation. Works with Blender 2.81 and above!