New Plant Ziziphus Jujuba Chinesische Dattel Green Dattel Red - Trees
Here you can find the amazing New Plant Ziziphus Jujuba Chinesische Dattel Green Dattel Red
If you are looking for quality these assets are amazing
High-quality texture, set up for cycles, ready to use in your scene
Trees are crafted with meticulous attention to Detail
New Plant Ziziphus Jujuba Chinesische Dattel Green Dattel Red
2 Different 3D models in the scene
Height: 7000mm & 7000mm
4K texture & 4K material
Clean Topology (quad mesh)
Polys: 1029k + Verts: 1430k
Models have unwrapped overlapping and maps is real-world scale
The file consists of:
• blend file format
• renders
• textures
Order now and start creating 3D scenes with breathtaking detail, realistic assets
We are collaborating with аватар to bring new amazing models in Blender format
I hope this will help you to make beautiful works
Published 12.01.2024
Asset Browser is ready to use, just drag and drop from the file :)
Category of the models
Sofa Chair Table+Chairs Tv Wall
Table Interior Scene Decoration Lights
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