This item has an average rating of 3 from 4 ratings by the community.
Rodney Caviness
almost 4 years ago
Excellent product and the support is superb...he really goes beyond call of duty to assist you...documentation could more userfriendly...butoverall very good product experience..warning this product does require a powerful graphics card (preferably Nvidia renders faster and runs smoother on my Intel i5 2400 16g memory w/ 4G Nvidia GTX 1050 ti)
than it does on my Ryzen 5 1600 32g ram w/8G AMD Raedon x 580
Ran Man
almost 4 years ago
Thank you for using Natural Sky, assisting you was a great pleasure.
about 4 years ago
I stumbled at first to get this working, but it was only a matter of increasing the viewport clipping distance. This is likely the problem others experienced, but it's a simple setting change. It warns you on the product page it's not for total newbies, but it's really not all that hard once you're past this. File > Append and pick the collection and voila, your world now has a sky. Don't forget camera clipping distance, and read the instructions. This is exactly what I was looking for not because of the sky, but the clouds and moon! I love that you can rotate the sun/moon around and procedurally generate good looking clouds. It's kind of hard on my machine BUT, I'd just turn this on last and add that fishing touch to a render. The test renders I've done have looked convincing enough with natural lighting. For the price, it's great. You get an easy way to get stars, the moon, and a nice looking sun. Does use volumetric so can be a fairly heavy render, but if you want convenience it provides that and it rewards your patience with a really nice, realistic-looking sky and the lighting that comes with it.
Ran Man
about 4 years ago
Thank you for using our product. We are always happy when customers are happy. Happy rendering!
ken takahashi
over 4 years ago
I bought it, but I can't use it well.
Ran Man
over 4 years ago
Hello, can you give more details via PM about your issues please? Also may be you can visit our fresh FAQ page, some answers may help you.
over 4 years ago
This is stressful. 2070 super, I5. This isn't an add on.
Ran Man
over 4 years ago
Please can you give us more detail about your issues with the tool? We will be happy to help. Thank you