
Eugene Trunin in Addons

This plugin adds the functionality of copying modifiers to all objects without replacing other plugins. Compatible with Blender 2.91 or higher.

Main Features:

  1. Copy all plugins from active object to all selected ones
  2. Preparation of hardsurf meshes for export to other programs in 1 click

After installing the addon, you will have two buttons in the modifiers panel(Add To Selected, Export Modifier)

  • Add To Selected - copies all modifiers from the active object to all selected ones, works both with mesh objects and with curves, etc. If the selected object already has one of the copied modifiers, then it is not applied. Video demonstration
  • Export Modifier - prepares your mesh for export to other programs for subsequent baking.

  1. Add modifier Triangulate
  2. Add modifier Weighted Normal (Keep Sharp)
  3. Auto smooth 180°
  4. Apply Scale
  5. Mark all seams as sharp(for current HardSurf baking)


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Sales 30+
Published about 2 years ago
Software Version 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
License Mit
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addon add copy modifier modifiers 3dblender