Modern Reception Interior Scene

by Pivot studio in Models

Photo realistic modern reception interior scene ready to render. Suitable for learning , testing, animation and anything related to interior visualization.

Scene features : 

- The scene is based on real interior photo.

- The scene is available in both cycles and octane.

- High quality textures included.

- HDRI for main lighting. 

- No additional add-ons required. For octane you just to need to install the free tier version.

- Exterior background is an image on plans not 3d model.

- Materials and textures have correct names.

- Most of the models are UV Mapped

- All models in images are included with scene which are : Armchair - Sofa - Counter - Books.

- No External applications required. Post processing included in blender compositor.

- Cycles file is compatible with 2.83 version and above.

- Octane file is compatible with 2.91 version and above. Octane version is (v. 22.2 )

Files Included : 

- 2 Blend files ( Cycles - Octane ).

- 1 FBX file contains all the model(Without Textures).

- 1 OBJ file contains all models (Without Textures).

- 21 Texture files.

- 1 8k HDRI file.

- 2 EXR render files. 

- 4 JPG rendered files.

- 2 JPG files for wireframe.

Cycles scene Statics : 

- Render time : 44 min (at 3000 samples - 1920 X 1080 pixels) on one GTX 1060 6GB GPU AND 1950X 16 CORE THREADRIPPER.

- Faces          : 516158

- Edges         : 1138239

- Verts          : 632495

- Tris             : 1030928

- Objects     : 195

- Cameras     : 1

- Lights           : 3

- Collections  : 4

Octane scene Statics : 

- Render time : 44 min (at 2500 samples - 1920 X 1080 pixels) on one GTX 1060 6GB GPU.

- Faces            : 536576

- Edges            : 1175169

- Verts             : 649405

- Tris                : 1071764

- Objects         : 194

- Cameras      : 1

- Lights           : 2

- Collections  : 4

Additional info and recommendation :

- Cycles scene is prepared on 2.83 to be compatible with Blender current LTS Version. However you can run it on latest version and and cut render time to the half or even less by lowering samples and using intel denoiser (open image denoiser). it is efficient and preserve details.

- For Octane scene. If you are facing any memory issues you can activate (out of cores) in render setting.

it will use additional memory from cpu but may increase render time.

Credits : 

- HDRI from

- Some Textures from



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Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.83, 2.91
Render Engine Used Cycles, Octane
Misc Data Textured
License Royalty Free