Mesh Materializer

by Mark Kingsnorth in Addons

What is the difference between this and Flowify?

Mesh Materializer offers an arguably more powerful, albeit intricate, method requiring UV map setup before wrapping objects, which can be detailed but offers more control.

Conversely, Flowify provides a more user-friendly and intuitive approach, eliminating the need for UV maps by using a quad surface with a reference.

However, this ease of use comes with a limitation to four-cornered quad surfaces.

So, Mesh Materializer is more versatile but complex, and Flowify is simpler but with specific constraints.

Where can I find the documentation?

Full documentation can be found at

Where can I find more tips and trouble shooting information?
How do I get in touch if I have an issue or a feature request?

You can either contact me by logging into Blender Market and clicking the 'Contact Creator' button on my Store Page or by emailing

What is the difference between this and Conform Object?

Conform Object is used to project objects directly onto other objects in a specified direction, and does not use UV Maps. 

Use code meshmat2conform (type in manually) for a 50% discount off of Conform Object if you have already bought Mesh Materializer

Sales 1400+
Customer Ratings 5
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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