Medieval Ax Set 01

by ZILbeerMAN in Models

A set of quality Axes. Consists of 10 original items. Each ax has a PBR texture with a resolution of 2048x2048. Total polygons (triangles) 9228, vertices 4634

Ax 01 - 1076

Ax 02 - 1026

Ax 03 - 716

Ax 04 - 1186

Ax 05 - 750

Ax 06 - 666

Ax 07 - 1154

Ax 08 - 696

Ax 09 - 650

Ax 10 - 1308

The archive contains additional materials: FBX, OBJ, Blend files. 2k textures - PNG, JPG and PNG (Unity Metallic Smoothness)

Archives with textures contain:

Textures JPG - Albedo, AO, Metalic, Normal, Roughness.

Textures PNG - base color, metalic, normal, roughness

Texturing Unity (Metallic Smoothness) - AlbedoTransparency, MetallicSmoothness, Normal

Texturing Unreal Engine - BaseColor, Normal, OcclusionRoughnessMetallic


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.92
License Royalty Free
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