Medicine Pills Set With Pbr Textures And Color Variations
if your project needs lot of different pills or drugs, this pack is for you.
in this set, Modelled and PBR textured 24 different pills. and one of them a capsule for filling it with any objects. also there is 10 color variant per pack. this many variation of colors can cover all your need for pill needing scenes. also you can add few nodes and mix current colors or manipulate via nodes.
all pills are packed in groups and mapped-textured as packs every pack has 10 base_color variations.
list of pills:
- 6 circular pills.
- 4 long shape pills.
- 4 square pills.
- 3 oil pill.
- 6 pill with different shapes: star, heart, torus, triangle, pentagon, hexagon.
- 1 capsule pill. seperated bottom and cap. added little sphere for filling it but capsule is free inside and can be filled with anything.
Textures are 4k. added 10 base color variation per pack. Capsule pill have additional maps of roughness and transmission for separated shading of parts.
note: Studio and ligthing objects are not included. Preview images rendered with redshift render
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healthcare health pharmacy vitamin set pill medication drug treat Science medicine cure antibiotic painkiller PBR treatment