Mayan-Aztec Model Collection

by Leo Almirez in Models

This is a collection of models from the Mesoamerican cultural area, based on real life constructions from the Mayan, Aztec, Totonac and Teotihuacan cultures, located in modern day Mexico and Guatemala. Each asset comes with two set of textures, one representing how the building would have looked like when it was new, and another set depicting how they would look like now. This increases the range of use cases for the models, like jungle scenes, historical or educational representations, game levels, dystopian scenes etc.  Some models are of stuff that wouldn't have survived until today (Like Tenochtitlan's Templo Mayor, the Tzompantli or the Commoners houses) but I modeled them based on archaeological and historical research. Here's a list of the assets in the collection:

- Mayan Canoe

- Dock

- Chichen Itzá - El Caracol

- Chichén Itzá - Temple of Kukulkan

- El Mirador - El Tigre complex

- El Tajin - Pyramid of the Niches

- Mixco Viejo Temple

- Palenque - Temple of Inscriptions

- Palenque - Templo del Sol (Temple of the Sun)

- Palenque - The Palace

- Platform (Meant as an auxiliary base for scene compositions)

- Pyramid Temples (Some buildings like the Pyramid of the Sun and others have lost their temple at the top due to erosion and the pass of time, so I made this set of 3 temples so they can be placed on top of such pyramids)

- Temazcal (A mesoamerican hot bath, it works similarly to a sauna)

- Tikal - Temple I (Temple of the Great Jaguar)

- Tikal - Temple IV

- Tikal - Ball Court

- Tenochtitlan - Templo Mayor (This one doesn't exist anymore, but I made a reconstruction based on historical and archaeological research)

- Tenochtitlan - Chac Mool

- Teotihuacan - Pyramid of the Sun

- Teotihuacan - Structure 1

- Tula - Atlante

- Uxmal - Governor's Palace

- 2 models of commoners houses

- 2 models of bridges

- Censer (It was used during ceremonies and ritual offerings)

- Tzompantli (Reconstructed from archaeological finds, it was made with the skulls of victims of human sacrifice)

- Zaculeu - Structure 1


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 3 years ago
Software Version 2.93
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free