Master 3D Content Creation Tools In Blender. With 6 Demo Projects. Beginner To Pro.

by Unreal Blender in Training


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Master 3D Content creation tools in Blender. With 6 demo projects. Beginner to Pro


  1. Introduction. Getting Ready

  2. Blender crash course with country house

  3. Blender fundamentals

  4. Working in Object Mode. Objects and their Properties.

  5. 3D modeling in Edit Mode

  6. PROJECT 1. [EASY] Simple scene with wood furniture and dishes

  7. PROJECT 2. [EASY] Ancient weapons set. 

  8. PROJECT 3. [MODERATE] A sailboat 

  9. Shading. Materials and Textures.

  10. Lighting. Rendering and working with the Camera

  11. Modifiers

  12. Addons

  13. PROJECT 4. [HARD] Sci-Fi Door

  14. Hair Particle System

  15. Texture Painting

  16. PROJECT 5. [HARD] Sci-Fi Weapon

  17. Sculpting

  18. PROJECT 6. [HARD] Female Character Bust

  19. Other powerful features of Blender

Lessons inside chapters: Introduction. Getting ready.

  1. Intro and overall information about the course

  2. How to study this course

  3. Install Blender

Blender Crash Course with Country House

  1. Why?

  2. Blender interface. Moving around. Transforming objects

  3. Mesh Elements. Building blocks of a 3D model

  4. Country house. Modeling 1

  5. Country house. Modeling 2

  6. Country house. Modeling 3

  7. Material basics

  8. Texture basics

  9. Country house. Applying Materials

  10. Country house. Growing Grass

  11. Getting free assets from BlenderKit

  12. Country house. Lighting and Rendering

Blender Fundamentals

  1. Blender interface basics

  2. Overview of editors

  3. Properties editor

  4. Blender Preferences

  5. Viewport Shading options

  6. Customizing and saving startup file

  7. Navigation in the 3D viewport

  8. Walk and Fly Navigation

  9. Tools. Transform Tools and Shortcuts

  10. Work modes - Workshops

  11. Asset Browser

  12. Scene optimization. Do these and Blender will never crash again

Working in Object Mode. Objects and their Properties

  1. Object types general overview

  2. Object origin

  3. Important options in Object Menu. Cleaning up the blend file

  4. Objects and Object data. Object and Object data Properties

  5. Correct Collection Instancing. Make Instances Real

  6. Transform orientations

  7. Transform Pivot point

  8. Snapping options

  9. Proportional editing

3D modeling in Edit mode

  1. Edit mode tools 1. Extrude. Bevel. Inset faces. Loop Cut

  2. Edit mode tools 2

  3. Selecting geometry

  4. Deleting geometry

  5. Overview of Add and Mesh menus

  6. Normals

  7. Mesh clean up

  8. Vertex tools

  9. Edge tools

  10. Face tools

  11. Top 5 modeling problems beginners face

  12. Curves and text objects. SVG

  13. Vertex Groups. Weight Painting

  14. Shape Keys

  15. Color Attributes. Vertex Painting

  16. Working with Reference Images

PROJECT 1. [EASY] Simple scene with wood furniture and dishes

  1. Modeling the chair

  2. Modeling the table

  3. Modeling the dishes

  4. UV Unwrapping. Applying Materials and textures

  5. Texturing the models. Better background lighting

  6. zFiles

PROJECT 2. [EASY] Ancient weapons set

  1. Modeling a simple Ax

  2. Modeling a more Complex Ax

  3. Modeling a sharp something

  4. Modeling a Sword 1

  5. Modeling a Sword 2

  6. Texturing the Simple Axe. Texture Painting

  7. Baking Simple Ax Textures to Image files.

  8. Texturing the Complex Sword

  9. zFiles

PROJECT 3. [MODERATE] A sailboat

  1. Modeling 1

  2. Modeling 2

  3. Modeling 3

  4. Modeling 4

  5. Modeling 5. Finish

  6. Shading 1. UV Unwrapping 1

  7. Shading 1. UV Unwrapping 2

  8. Shading 3. UV Unwrapping 3. Finished

  9. Shading 4. Texture Painting 1

  10. Shading 4. Texture Painting 2. Finished

  11. Shader Setup. World and Lighting Setup. Final Notes

  12. zFiles

Shading. Materials and Textures

  1. Intro to Shading Lighting and Rendering sections

  2. Intro to Shading and materials

  3. Material properties

  4. Node based Shader editor

  5. What nodes we have. Quick overview

  6. Most common shader nodes

  7. Node Wrangler addon shortcuts

  8. Principled BSDF

  9. Principled Volume

  10. Glass shader in Cycles

  11. Glass shader in Eevee

  12. Power of black and white

  13. Textures in Blender

  14. Common procedural textures

  15. Using image textures. Texture maps

  16. Image texture node options

  17. Movie texture

  18. ColorRamp node

  19. Bump node

  20. UV Reference 1. UV Maps. Unwrapping and editing UVs

  21. UV reference 2. Workflows. Rules. Editing options

  22. UDIMs Lets learn everything

  23. Bake procedural textures to image textures

  24. Generating Edge wear. Dirt built up effects

  25. Packing or Embedding texture files into blend or FBX files

  26. Copying Assigning Linking Duplicating materials. Selecting by materials

Lighting. Rendering. Working with the Camera

  1. Intro to lighting. rendering. render and camera options

  2. Rendering quick demo

  3. Basics of lighting. Light sources

  4. Global illumination (GI) or Indirect lighting

  5. Light objects in Cycles

  6. Light objects in Eevee

  7. World properties in Cycles. Environment texture. Nishita sky

  8. Rendering with Cycles. Most important options

  9. Eevee render engine. Most important options

  10. Bake indirect light in Eevee

  11. Working with the camera. Basics

  12. Camera properties

  13. Better camera control. Switch Cameras Automatically etc.

  14. Rendering images. Resolution. Format etc.

  15. Render animations

  16. Viewport rendering

  17. Noise reduction and faster rendering tips in Cycles

  18. Shadow caustics

  19. Lights with nodes. IES Textures

  20. How to use the Shadow Catcher

  21. Using Mist Pass. Denoise and Defocus in Compositing to fake effects


  1. Intro. Common modifier properties. Important rules

  2. Modifier Tools Addon

  3. Array

  4. Bevel

  5. Boolean

  6. Build

  7. Decimate

  8. Mirror

  9. Screw

  10. Skin

  11. Solidify

  12. Subdivision Surface

  13. Triangulate

  14. Wireframe

  15. Curve

  16. Displace

  17. Hook

  18. Lattice

  19. Shrinkwrap

  20. Simple Deform

  21. Surface Deform

  22. Wave

  23. Vertex Weight Proximity

  24. Weighted Normal


  1. Inro

  2. BlenderKit

  3. Import Images as Planes

  4. Carver

  5. Bool Tool

  6. Cell Fracture

  7. A.N.T. Landscapes

  8. Sapling Tree Gen

  9. How to use Quixel Bridge with Blender

  10. Botaniq. Paid addon for Trees and Vegetation

  11. Get more addons

PROJECT 4. [HARD] Sci-Fi Door

  1. Using AI to generate reference images

  2. Modeling 1. Creating the general shape of the door

  3. Modeling 2.

  4. Modeling 3. Rounded edges. Pipes and other details

  5. Modeling 4.  Boolean n Knife Cuts. More Pipes. Pipe holders. [TIMELAPSE]

  6. Modeling 5. Door details. Refinements. Finish

  7. Modeling the environment

  8. Lighting the scene

  9. Applying materials. Final render

  10. Better materials by Texture painting and better shader setup

  11. zFiles

Hair Particle System

  1. Intro. Hair Emission. Render

  2. Strand type. Material. Viewport display. Children

  3. Hair shape. Forces. Windy Grass field. Texture

Texture Painting

  1. Before we start

  2. Intro. Tools

  3. Slots. Brushes. Color. Gradient. Color Palette

  4. Advanced. Texture. Texture mask

  5. Strokes. Stabilize. Fallof. Cursor

  6. Cavity Mask. Symmetry. Options

PROJECT 5. [HARD] Sci-Fi Weapon

  1. Modeling 1. The Stock

  2. Modeling 2. Stock connection

  3. Modeling 3. The Grip or Handle

  4. Modeling 4. Corrections. The Trigger. Receiver 1 [Timelapse Only]

  5. Modeling 5. Receiver or Chamber 2

  6. Modeling 6. The Magazine

  7. Modeling 7. The Sight or Scope

  8. Modeling 8. The 2nd Grip. Barrel cover.

  9. Modeling 9. The Barrel.

  10. Modeling 10. Finish

  11. Shading 1. Initial material setup. UV Unwrapping

  12. Shading 2. Achieving consistent texture detail

  13. Shading 3. Baking Texture Masks (Important but Optional)

  14. Shading 4. Painting textures. Most Important Concepts and Tricks

  15. Shading 5. Creating Other Materials

  16. Shading 6. Final notes

  17. Quick Scene Setup and Render

  18. zFiles


  1. Intro. Tools overview

  2. Shortcuts. Most common brushes. Generate. Contrast. Transform brushes

  3. All the other Brushes and Tools

  4. Mask Tools and Auto Masking

  5. Brush settings overview

  6. Dynamic Topology. Magic Button

  7. Remesh. Quad Remesh. Symmetry

  8. Retopology. Intro. Setup and Manual Retopo

  9. Speed Up your Retopo with addons

  10. Multires Modifier in Sculpting

  11. Bake Multires details to Normal map

PROJECT 6. [HARD] Female Character Bust

  1. Project Intro

  2. Sculpting 1. Basic bust shape

  3. Sculpting 2. Face enhancement. Ear started

  4. Sculpting 3. The ears. Face enhancement. Finish

  5. Sculpting 4. Important final notes

  6. Retopology demo 1. Face retopology

  7. Retopology demo 2. Ear retopology. Finish

  8. Capturing and sculpting fine details with Multires modifier

  9. UV unwrapping. Baking Normal map. Texture painting

  10. Eye texture. Hair growth

  11. Project Summary

  12. Using Mixamo animations

  13. zFiles

Other powerful features of Blender

  1. Animation 1. Fundamentals. Timeline. Ways. FPS. Actions etc.

  2. Animation 2. Constraints. Skeleton. Rigging. Naming. Weight Painting. Pose Library etc.

  3. Simulations and Physics in Blender. Overview and Examples

  4. Geometry Nodes. Quick overview. Example projects

  5. Grease Pencil. Quick overview. Example projects

  6. VFX and Compositing. Overview and practical example


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Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License Editorial